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Retinal Degenerative Diseases
Laboratory and Therapeutic Investigations
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TheInternationalSymposiumonRetinalDegenerationhasbeenheldinconjunction withthebiennialInternationalCongressofEyeResearch(ICER)since1984. These RDSymposiahaveallowedbasicandclinicianscientistsfromaroundtheworldto conveneandpresenttheirnewresearch?ndings. Theyhavebeenorganizedtoallow suf?cienttimefordiscussionsandone-on-oneinteractionsinarelaxedatmosphere, whereinternationalfriendshipsandcollaborationscanbefostered. The XIII International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration (also known as RD2008) was held from September 18-23, 2008 at the Hong Zhu Shan Hotel at thefootofEmeiMountainintheSichuanProvinceofChina,nearChengdu. The meeting brought together 152 basic and clinician scientists, retinal specialists in ophthalmology,andtraineesinthe?eldfromallpartsoftheworld. Inthecourse ofthemeeting,42platformand88posterpresentationsweregiven,andamajority ofthesearepresentedinthisproceedingsvolume. Newdiscoveriesandstateofthe art?ndingsfrommostresearchareasinthe?eldofretinaldegenerationswerep- sented. TheRD2008meetingwashighlightedbythreespeciallectures. The?rstwas givenby Glen Prusky,PhD,WeillCornellMedicalCollegeofCornellUniversity, New York City, NY. Dr.
Prusky discussed the measures of vision in rodents as a tool for evaluating the treatment of retinal degenerative diseases. The second was given by Kang Zhang, MD, PhD, on the molecular genetics of Stargardt's Disease. Dr. Zhang's undergraduate degree in biochemistry is from West China University in Chengdu, and he currently is at the Shiley Eye Center, University ofCaliforniaatSanDiego,SanDiego,CA. Thethirdplenarylecturewasgivenby Peter Campochiaro,MD,oftheWilmerEyeInstitute,JohnsHopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, MD. Dr. Campochiaro discussed the role of oxidant stress in macular degeneration. This Symposium would not have been possible without the support of our colleagues at the Sichuan People's Provincial Hospital and the Department of Ophthalmology of West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Fan Ying Chuan, MD,ViceChairman,SichuanOphthalmologySociety,DirectorofOphthalmology Department,SichuanAcademyofMedicalScience&SichuanProvincialPeople's Hospitaland Chen Xiao Ming,MD,Chairman,SichuanOphthalmologySociety, Director of West China Eye Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, gave tirelessly to our effort from the beginning.
We are especially grateful to the ix x Preface administration of the Sichuan People's Provincial Hospital, which provided the ?nancialguaranteesnecessarytosecurethemeetingvenue. Theassistanceof Chen Hui (Robert), MD, of the SPPH throughout the planning and the meeting itself were of enormous help to us.


Basic Science Underlying Retinal Degeneration.- Analysis of Genes Differentially Expressed During Retinal Degeneration in Three Mouse Models.- Regulation of Angiogenesis by Macrophages.- Protein Kinase C Regulates Rod Photoreceptor Differentiation Through Modulation of STAT3 Signaling.- Pigment Epithelium-derived Factor Receptor (PEDF-R): A Plasma Membrane-linked Phospholipase with PEDF Binding Affinity.- The Function of Oligomerization-Incompetent RDS in Rods.- The Association Between Telomere Length and Sensitivity to Apoptosis of HUVEC.- Photoreceptor Guanylate Cyclases and cGMP Phosphodiesterases in Zebrafish.- RDS in Cones Does Not Interact with the Beta Subunit of the Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Channel.- Increased Expression of TGF-?1 and Smad 4 on Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy in Neonatal Mice.- ZBED4, A Novel Retinal Protein Expressed in Cones and Muller Cells.- Tubby-Like Protein 1 (Tulp1) Is Required for Normal Photoreceptor Synaptic Development.- Growth-Associated Protein43 (GAP43) Is a Biochemical Marker for the Whole Period of Fish Optic Nerve Regeneration.- Multiprotein Complexes of Retinitis Pigmentosa GTPase Regulator (RPGR), a Ciliary Protein Mutated in X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa (XLRP).- Misfolded Proteins and Retinal Dystrophies.- Neural Retina and MerTK-Independent Apical Polarity of ?v?5 Integrin Receptors in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium.- Mertk in Daily Retinal Phagocytosis: A History in the Making.- The Interphotoreceptor Retinoid Binding (IRBP) Is Essential for Normal Retinoid Processing in Cone Photoreceptors.- Aseptic Injury to Epithelial Cells Alters Cell Surface Complement Regulation in a Tissue Specific Fashion.- Role of Metalloproteases in Retinal Degeneration Induced by Violet and Blue Light.- Mitochondrial Decay and Impairment of Antioxidant Defenses in Aging RPE Cells.- Ciliary Transport of Opsin.- Effect of Hesperidin on Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Cultured Rabbit Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells.- Profiling MicroRNAs Differentially Expressed in Rabbit Retina.- Unexpected Transcriptional Activity of the Human VMD2 Promoter in Retinal Development.- Microarray Analysis of Hyperoxia Stressed Mouse Retina: Differential Gene Expression in the Inferior and Superior Region.- Photoreceptor Sensory Cilia and Inherited Retinal Degeneration.- Role of Elovl4 Protein in the Biosynthesis of Docosahexaenoic Acid.- Molecular Genetics and Candidate Genes.- Molecular Pathogenesis of Achromatopsia Associated with Mutations in the Cone Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel CNGA3 Subunit.- Mutation Spectra in Autosomal Dominant and Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa in Northern Sweden.- 1 Rhodopsin Mutations in Congenital Night Blindness.- GCAP1 Mutations Associated with Autosomal Dominant Cone Dystrophy.- Genotypic Analysis of X-linked Retinoschisis in Western Australia.- Mutation Frequency of IMPDH1 Gene of Han Population in Ganzhou City.- Diagnostic, Clinical, Cytopathological and Physiologic Aspects of Retinal Degeneration.- Reversible and Size-Selective Opening of the Inner Blood-Retina Barrier: A Novel Therapeutic Strategy.- Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics: Imaging Photoreceptor Layer Morphology to Interpret Preclinical Phenotypes.- Pharmacological Manipulation of Rhodopsin Retinitis Pigmentosa.- Targeted High-Throughput DNA Sequencing for Gene Discovery in Retinitis Pigmentosa.- Advances in Imaging of Stargardt Disease.- Protamine Sulfate Downregulates Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Expression and Inhibits VEGF and Its Receptor Binding in Vitro.- Computer-Assisted Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Mouse Choroidal Density.- Thioredoxins 1 and 2 Protect Retinal Ganglion Cells from Pharmacologically Induced Oxidative Stress, Optic Nerve Transection and Ocular Hypertension.- Near-Infrared Light Protect the Photoreceptor from Light-Induced Damage in Rats.- BDNF Improves the Efficacy ERG Amplitude Maintenance by Transplantation of Retinal Stem Cells in RCS Rats.- The Role of Purinergic Receptors in Retinal Function and Disease.- Macular Degeneration.- Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging in Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Geographic Atrophy.- Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress as a Primary Pathogenic Mechanism Leading to Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- Proteomic and Genomic Biomarkers for Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- Impaired Intracellular Signaling May Allow Up-Regulation of CTGF-Synthesis and Secondary Peri-Retinal Fibrosis in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells from Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- PPAR Nuclear Receptors and Altered RPE Lipid Metabolism in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- The Pathophysiology of Cigarette Smoking and Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- Oxidative Stress and the Ubiquitin Proteolytic System in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.- Slit-Robo Signaling in Ocular Angiogenesis.- Animal Models of Retinal Degeneration.- Evaluation of Retinal Degeneration in P27KIP1 Null Mouse.- Differences in Photoreceptor Sensitivity to Oxygen Stress Between Long Evans and Sprague-Dawley Rats.- Retinal Degeneration in a Rat Model of Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome: Thinking Beyond Cholesterol Deficiency.- Do Calcium Channel Blockers Rescue Dying Photoreceptors in the Pde6b rd1 Mouse?.- Effect of PBNA on the NO Content and NOS Activity in Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in the Rat Retina.- Recent Insights into the Mechanisms Underlying Light-Dependent Retinal Degeneration from X. Laevis Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa.- A Hypoplastic Retinal Lamination in the Purpurin Knock Down Embryo in Zebrafish.- Functional Changes in Inner Retinal Neurons in Animal Models of Photoreceptor Degeneration.- Photoreceptor Cell Degeneration in Abcr -/- Mice.- Investigating the Mechanism of Disease in the RP10 Form of Retinitis Pigmentosa.- Congenital Stationary Night Blindness in Mice - A Tale of Two Cacna1f Mutants.- Protection of Photoreceptors in a Mouse Model of RP10.- Correlation Between Tissue Docosahexaenoic Acid Levels and Susceptibility to Light-Induced Retinal Degeneration.- Activation of Muller Cells Occurs During Retinal Degeneration in RCS Rats.- Effect of 3?-Daidzein Sulfonic Sodium on the Anti-oxidation of Retinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats.- Structural and Functional Phenotyping in the Cone-Specific Photoreceptor Function Loss 1 (cpfl1) Mouse Mutant - A Model of Cone Dystrophies.- The Differential Role of Jak/Stat Signaling in Retinal Degeneration.- Neuroprotection and Gene Therapy.- Gene Therapy in the Retinal Degeneration Slow Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa.- PEDF Promotes Retinal Neurosphere Formation and Expansion In Vitro.- A Multi-Stage Color Model Revisited: Implications for a Gene Therapy Cure for Red-Green Colorblindness.- Achromatopsia as a Potential Candidate for Gene Therapy.- Function and Mechanism of CNTF/LIF Signaling in Retinogenesis.- gp130 Activation in Muller Cells is Not Essential for Photoreceptor Protection from Light Damage.- Neuroprotectin D1 Modulates the Induction of Pro-Inflammatory Signaling and Promotes Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Survival DuringOxidative Stress.- Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype-9 Mediated Retinal Outer Plexiform Layer Transduction is Mainly Through the Photoreceptors.


ISBN-13: 9781441913982
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: March, 2010
Pages: 764
Weight: 1304g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry
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