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Reproductive Toxicology
In Vitro Germ Cell Developmental Toxicology, from Science to Social and Industrial Demand
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Numerous reports demonstrate that the reproductive system could be affected by multiple potential toxicological agents. The volume includes different aspects of the development of new approaches to in vitro testing using sperm cells and systems involved on reproduction in mammals. Comparative analysis of in vivo and in vitro methods has been included to take steps towards the further development of and applications of new systems for germline toxicology.


Advances in Improving Human Risk Estimation: Trends in Male Reproductive Health: Environmental Aspects; N.E. Skakkebaek. Organochlorine Compounds and Xenoestrogens in Human Endometrium; W.R. Schafer, H.P. Zahradnik. Assays to Measure Estrogen and Androgen Agonists and Antagonists; A.M. Soto, et al. New Approaches for in Vitro Analysis of Germ Cells Exposure to Toxicological Agents: In Vitro Culture Systems for Germ Cells from Mouse Embryo: Primordial Germ Cells and Oocytes; M. De Felici. Cell Culture Systems for the Analysis of the Male Germinal Differentiation; M. Rassoulzadegan, F. Cuzin. In Vitro Survival of Human Neoplastic Germ Cells; E. Rajpert-De Meyts, et al. Molecular and Developmental Approaches for Assessing Reproductive Toxicity: Current and Future Contributions of Transgenic Mice to the Analysis of Germline Toxicology; A. Collick, et al. Evaluation of the Placenta: Suggestions for a Greater Role in Developmental Toxicology; F. Maranghi, et al. Animal Risk Assessment-In Vivo/In Vitro Comparative Analysis: An Overview of Current in Vivo Test Procedures to Reproductive Toxicology; A. Nunziata. A New Assay to Assess Aneupoloidy in Human-Hamster Embryos; I. Ponsa, et al. 15 additonal articles. Index.


ISBN-13: 9781489900913
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: May, 2013
Pages: 223
Weight: 367g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pharmacology, Public Health
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