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Probiotics in Pediatric Medicine
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Main description:

Probiotics in Pediatric Medicine provides clinicians a tool to understand the current evidence for the role of probiotics in various pediatric disorders related to the gastrointestinal as well as the extra-intestinal tract. This book provides evidence-based up-to-date information from world experts in their fields to help clinicians make decisions regarding the use of probiotics. A list of resources, web sites, and references relevant to probiotics can be found in the appendix. Currently, the market for probiotics continues to rely heavily on health claims made by manufacturers and retailers. Clinicians have the sole responsibility to understand the various strains and preparations commercially available and to advise patients accordingly. Probiotics in Pediatric Medicine is an indispensable tool and a critical resource for health professionals that will aid in enhancing their ability to make the appropriate decisions regarding the use of probiotics.


I Introductory Chapters

1. Basics of GI Physiology and Mucosal Immunology (A Fasano)
This introductory chapter will provide an overview of the gastrointestinal physiology and mucosal immunity as it relates to the gut with its microflora and its role in the overall health of the child.

2. Basics of Gut Microflora (G Tannock)
This chapter will cover the significance of microflora and the traditional and molecular advances in identifying gut microflora.

3. Role of Microflora in Disease (M. Relman).
The focus of this chapter is to review the role of microflora in gastrointestinal disorders with a focus on inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. A review of the role of microflora in non-gastrointestinal disease such as atopic disorders will be included.

4. Probiotics 101 (WA Walker).
This chapter will provide the history of probiotic use and the basics for probiotic concepts as it relates to children.

5. Mechanism of Action of Probiotics (B Polk).
This chapter will review the basic research pertaining to the mechanism of action of probiotics as evidence by cellular/molecular studies as well as animal studies.

6. Safety of Probiotics (D Mack).
The safety of the different types and forms of probiotics will be reviewed with a focus on children.

Michail, Probiotics-p. 4

II Infant Health and Probiotics

7. Neonatal and Infant Microflora (JI Gordon)
This chapter will identify the development of microflora in the newborn infant and the factors that affect the composition of microflora such as breast feeding versus formula feeding, age of infant and child, mode of child delivery etc...

8. Probiotics in Infant Dietetics (Agostoni).
This chapter will review the evidence, or lack thereof,to support the benefit of adding probiotics to infant formulas or infant foods.

9. Probiotics and Nectrotizing Enterocolits (Zvi Weizman).
The focus of this chapter will be the role of probiotics and prevention or treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis.

III Pediatric GI and Related Diseases - Is There a Role for Probiotics?

10. Irritable Bowel Disease (S Michail).
A review of the literature with regards to irritable bowel syndrome will be presented in this chapter. Pediatric data will be reviewed.

11. Infectious Diarrhea (G Fuchs)
The role of probiotics in treating and preventing infectious diarrhea in pediatric patients will be covered in this chapter.

12. Crohn's Disease (A Bousvaros)
The role of probiotics in treatment and prevention of relapse of Crohn's disease will be reviewed in this chapter. Pediatric data will be discussed as well.

13. Ulcerative Colitis (PM Fedorak)
The role of probiotics in treatment and prevention of relapse of ulcerative colitis will be reviewed in this chapter. Any pediatric data will be reviewed.

14. Pouchitis (P Gionchetti)
The role of probiotics in prevention and treatment of pouchits will be reviewed in this chapter. Pediatric data will be discussed as well.

15. Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea and Clostridium difficile Infection
(H Szajewska).
The role of probiotics and treatment and prevention of these disorders with review of the evidence and meta-analysis will be discussed in this chapter.

16. Probiotics in the Immune-compromised Host (T Poussa).
This chapter will review the published studies related to the use of probiotics in various disorders affecting the host immune response and immunocompromised states.
Michail, Probiotics-p. 5

17. H. Pylori Infection (PM


ISBN-13: 9781603272889
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: December, 2008
Pages: 372
Weight: 1002g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biochemistry, Gastroenterology, General Practice, Nutrition, Paediatrics and Neonatal
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