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Drug Metabolism and Transport
Molecular Methods and Mechanisms
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Main description:

A compendium of proven experimental approaches and strategies for studying the bioactivation, detoxification, tissue distribution, and elimination of xenobiotics in the metabolism and/or transport of various chemicals. The authors address several of the major drug metabolizing systems, including the cytochrome P450 family, flavin-containing monooxygenases, glutathione, S-transferase, glucuronidation, N-acetylation, and sulfotransferases. Additional chapters present novel approaches to the study of: signaling pathways in the regulation of drug metabolism enzymes, how the modulation of thiols and other low molecular-weight cofactors can alter drug metabolism, and how modulation of drug metabolism pathways can influence antiviral therapy.


Renal Cytochrome P450s and Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases: Potential Roles in Metabolism and Toxicity of 1,3-Butadiene, Trichloroethylene, and Tetrachloroethylene
Adnan A. Elfarra

Experimental Approaches for the Study of Cytochrome P450 Gene Regulation
Hollie I. Swanson, Susan D. Kraner, Soma S. Ray, Martin Hoagland, Earl D. Thompson, Xinyu Zheng, and Yanan Tian

Insulin and Growth Factor Signaling: Effects on Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
Sang K. Kim, Kimberley J. Woodcroft, and Raymond F. Novak

Catalytic Function and Expression of Glutathione Transferase Zeta
Philip G. Board, M. W. Anders, and Anneke C. Blackburn

Glucuronidation of Fatty Acids and Prostaglandins by Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases
Anna Radominska-Pandya, Joanna M. Little, and Arthur Bull

Transcriptional Regulation of UDP- Glucuronosyltransferases
Anna Radominska-Pandya, Peter I. Mackenzie, and Wen Xie

Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of N-Acetylation
Craig K. Svensson and David W. Hein

Methods and Approaches to Study Metabolism and Toxicity of Acetaminophen
Sam A. Bruschi

Modulation of Drug Metabolism and Antiviral Therapies
Bernhard H. Lauterburg

Modulation of Thiols and Other Low-Molecular-Weight Cofactors: Effects on Drug Metabolism and Disease Susceptibility
Charles V. Smith

Multidrug Resistance Proteins and Hepatic Transport of Endo- and Xenobiotics
Phillip M. Gerk and Mary Vore

Structural Determinants of Folate and Antifolate Membrane Transport by the Reduced Folate Carrier
Wei Cao and Larry H. Matherly

Glutathione Transport in the Kidneys: Experimental Models, Mechanisms, and Methods
Lawrence H. Lash

Human Cytosolic Sulfotransferases: Properties, Physiological Functions, and Toxicology
Charles N. Falany



ISBN-13: 9781617374944
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: November, 2010
Pages: 398
Weight: 586g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Pharmacology
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