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Clinical Informatics Study Guide
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Main description:

This books provides content that arms clinicians with the core knowledge and competencies necessary to be effective informatics leaders in health care organizations. The content is drawn from the areas recognized by the American Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) as necessary to prepare physicians to become Board Certified in Clinical Informatics. Clinical informaticians transform health care by analyzing, designing, selecting, implementing, managing, and evaluating information and communication technologies (ICT) that enhance individual and population health outcomes, improve patient care processes, and strengthen the clinician-patient relationship. As the specialty grows, the content in this book covers areas useful to nurses, pharmacists, and information science graduate students in clinical/health informatics programs. These core competencies for clinical informatics are needed by all those who lead and manage ICT in health organizations, and there are likely to be future professional certifications that require the content in this text.


An Introduction to Clinical (Health) Informatics.- The U.S. Health System.- Clinical Informatics Policy and Regulations.- Clinical Decision-Making.- Evidence Based Patient Care.- Clinical Decision Support.- Clinical Workflow Analysis, Process Redesign, and Quality Improvement.- Predictive Analytics.- Fundamentals of Information Technology Systems.- Health Information Systems and Applications.- Clinical Data Exchange, System Integration, and Standards.- Information System Lifecycles in Health Care.- Human Factors Engineering: Supporting the User Experience.- Leadership Models, Processes, and Practices.- Effective Interdisciplinary Teams.- Effective Communication.- Project Management.- Strategic and Financial Planning for Clinical Information Systems.- Change Management.- Patient Engagement and Consumer Informatics.- Personalized Medicine and Translational Informatics.- Population Health and Public Health Informatics.- Appendices: Case Studies.


ISBN-13: 9783319227528
Publisher: Springer (Springer International Publishing AG)
Publication date: November, 2015
Pages: 600
Weight: 9384g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues
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