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Healthcare Infrastructure
Health Systems for Individuals and Populations
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Main description:

The first systematic survey of Healthcare Infrastructure, this book describes the inevitable future of health systems. It gives a concrete plan for improved quality at diminished cost, via merger of personal medicine and public health. It discusses general aspects of infrastructure engineering and specific aspects of healthcare systems. It discusses current and future technologies for health measurement and management. This book outlines how the health of populations will be measured at the level of individuals, combining engineering and medicine to support viable health systems for the first time. This book is unique, in combining a systematic survey of health determinants with a research monograph on health technologies. Readers will gain a broad context and a deep knowledge of future information technology applied to health systems.


Prelude: The Evolution of Healthcare Infrastructure.- Part I: The Problems of Healthcare Infrastructure.- Chapter 1: History of Health Determinants.- Chapter 2: Public Health Success when simple.- Chapter 3: Public Health Failure when complex.- Chapter 4: Medicine Success when simple.- Chapter 5: Medicine Failure when complex.- Chapter 6: Medical Records for Health Systems.- Part II: The Solutions of Healthcare Infrastructure.- Chapter 1: Health Determinants for Populations and Individuals.- Chapter 2: Measurement of Individual Ability (Explicit Text).- Chapter 3: Measurement of Individual Ability (Implicit Data).- Chapter 4: Genomes for Individual Ability (Features).- Chapter 5: Networks for Population Function (Persons).- Chapter 6: Mobile Monitors for Health Systems.- Postlude: The Future of Healthcare Infrastructure


ISBN-13: 9780857294517
Publisher: Springer (Springer London Ltd)
Publication date: June, 2011
Pages: 305
Weight: 629g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice
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