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Cancer Informatics
Essential Technologies for Clinical Trials
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Cancer Informatics chronicles the development of the National Cancer Institute's new Cancer Informatics Infrastructure (CII) - an information management system infrastructure designed to faciliate clinical trials, provide for reliable, secure information exchange, and improve patient care. The book details the challenges involved in creating and managing such a knowledge base, including technologies, standards, and current, state-of-the-art applications.
The ultimate goal of CII is to function as an enabler of clinical trials, expediting the clinical trials lifecycle, faciliating faster and safer drug development and more appropriate treatment choices for cancer patients. Contributors address the role the CII must play in converting the growing knowledge of genes, proteins, and pathways into appropriate preventative, diagnostic, and therapeutic measures. Presented in four sections, the first provides an overview of the processes involved in moving the infrastructure for cancer from theory into practice. Sections two through four offer the latest work done in the areas of technology, cancer-specific and national standards, and applications to faciliate clinical trials.


Foreword, Series Preface, Preface, Acknowlegements, Dedication, Section 1. The Vision, Section Introduction: Supporting Clinical Trials with a Cancer Informatics Infrastructure, Chapter 1. Translating Cancer Research into Cancer Care, Chapter 2. Visions of the Future, Chapter 3. Clinical Trials in Practice, Section 2. The Infrastructure, Section Introduction: Developing and Improving the Informatics Infrastructure to Support Clinical Research, Chapter 4. Cancer Informatics: Lessons from the World of E-Business, Chapter 5. Security and Privacy, Chapter 6. Digital Libraries and Scholarly Communication, Section 3. Standards and Vocabulary, Section Introduction: The Spectrum of Existing and Emerging Health Data Standards: Their Relevance and Application to Cancer Information, Chapter 7. Cancer Data, Information Standards, and Convergent Efforts, Chapter 8. Toward Terminology as Infrastructure, Chapter 9. Clinical Terminologies for Data Analysis and Structured Data Entry, Chapter 10. Information Standards Within NCI, Chapter 11. CDE Development Model for Chest CT Screening for Lung Cancer, Chapter 12. Pathology Standards in Cancer Informatics, Chapter 13. Clinical Information Interchange with Health Level Seven, Chapter 14. The Health Level Seven Reference Information Model, Chapter 15. HIPAA Administrative Simplification Standards: Provisions of the Final Privacy Rule Related to Clinical Trials, Chapter 16. Toward a Shared Representation of Clinical Trial Protocols: Application of the GLIF Guideline Modeling Framework, Chapter 17. Informatics for Cancer Prevention and Control, Section 4. The Vision, Section Introduction: Moving Toward the Vision: Putting Applications in Place, Chapter 18. Selection of Oncology Information Systems, Chapter 19. Clinical State Diagrams and Informatics Tools for Clinical Trial Protocols, Chapter 20. Support for the Cancer Patient: An Internet Model, Chapter 21. Increasing Clinical Trials Awareness and Accrual Via the Web, Chapter 22. Linking Patients to Medical Research, Chapter 23. The National Cancer Institute's net-Trials, Chapter 24. iN: A Community-Based Cancer Informatics and Clinical Trials Network, Chapter 25. Consumer Health Informatics, Chapter 26. An Internet-Based Data System for Outcomes Research


ISBN-13: 9781461265474
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: September, 2012
Pages: 408
Weight: 623g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Issues, Oncology
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