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Sleep Disturbance in Children and Adolescents with Disorders of Development
Its Significance and Management
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Main description:

Sleep disturbance is extremely common in the various disorders of development, be they physical or psychological in nature. It adds significantly to the burden of care but is a neglected topic and there is no single source of information to guide practice and management. In this book an international team of experts provides for the first time an integrated, comprehensive and up–to–date review of the nature and causes of sleep disorders, describing the special assessment and management considerations for each of the different developmental disorders. The book will be essential reading for all professionals working in the area of developmental disorders, and will also be of considerable interest to teachers, social workers and parents.

Back cover:

Sleep disturbance is extremely common in the various disorders of development, be they physical or psychological in nature. It adds significantly to the burden of care but is a neglected topic and there is no single source of information to guide practice and management. In this book an international team of experts provides for the first time an integrated, comprehensive and up–to–date review of the nature and causes of sleep disorders, describing the special assessment and management considerations for each of the different developmental disorders. The book will be essential reading for all professionals working in the area of developmental disorders, and will also be of considerable interest to teachers, social workers and parents.


How to use this book; Part I. General Issues: 1. Sleep disturbance: a serious, widespread yet neglected problem in disorders of development Greg Stores and Luci Wiggs; 2. Normal sleep including developmental aspects Greg Stores; 3. Sleep problems and sleep disorders: general Greg Stores and Luci Wiggs; 4. Sleeplessness Greg Stores and Luci Wiggs; 5. Excessive sleepiness Greg Stores; 6. Episodic disturbances of sleep (parasomnias) Greg Stores; Part II. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: 7. General aspects of sleep and intellectual impairment Greg Stores and Luci Wiggs; 8. Sleep and Down syndrome Rebecca Stores; 9. Sleep disorders and Prader–Willi syndrome Antonio Vela Bueno, Olivan–Palacios and Alexandros N. Vygontzas; 10. Sleep and craniofacial syndromes Narong Simakajornboon and Robert Beckerman; 11. Sleep problems in children with mucopolysaccharidosis Gillian Colville and Martin Bax; 12. Sleep disturbances in tuberous sclerosis complex Paolo Curatolo and Stefano Seri; 13. Sleep disorders and Rett syndrome Henry Roane and Cathleen C. Piazza; 14. Aspects of sleep in other neurodevelopmental disorders: fragile X syndrome; Smith–Magenis syndrome; Angelman syndrome; Williams syndrome; Lesch–Nyhan syndrome; phenylketonuria; neurofibromatosis; Joubert syndrome; Rubenstein–Taybi syndrome Greg Stores; Part III. Other Neurological Conditions: 15. Sleep patterns in the epilepsies Greg Stores; 16. Sleep abnormalities and cerebral palsy Suresh Kotagal; 17. Sleep and neuromuscular disease Narong Simakajornboon and Robert Beckerman; 18. Visual impairment and associated sleep abnormalities Greg Stores; 19. Disordered sleep in other neurological conditions: myelodysplasia and associated conditions; head injury; headaches including migraine; hearing impairment; achondroplasia; Leigh′s syndrome; Riley–Day syndrome; Moebius syndrome; neuronal ceroid lipofuscuosis; Menkes kinky hair disease; juvenile Parkinson′s disease Greg Stores; Part IV. Non–Neurological Paediatric Disorders: 20. Sleep disorders and childhood allergy André Kahn, Marie José Mozin, José Groswasser, Martine Sottiaux, Bernard Dan, Sonia Scaillet, Georges Casimir and Jean Duchâteau; 21. Sleep disorders in asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and cystic fibrosis Gerald M. Loughlin; 22. Aspects of sleep in other general paediatric conditions: painful and uncomfortable conditions; obesity; Sickle cell disease; other causes of upper airway obstruction; infectious diseases; medication effects; hospital admission including paediatric intensive care units Greg Stores; Part V. Psychiatric Disorders: 23. Sleep disturbances in anxious children E. Jane Garland; 24. Sleep and depression Ronald E. Dahl and Daniel S. Lewin; 25. Sleep and trauma in children Avi Sadeh; 26. Sleep problems in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Penny Corkum; 27. Sleep in children with autism and Asperger′s syndrome Amanda Richdale; 28. Disturbances of sleep in the chronic fatigue syndrome Greg Stores; 29. Sleep in other psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence: conduct disorders; substance abuse; eating disorders; Tourette syndrome; schizophrenia; mania and hypomania; seasonal affective disorder; organic states; sleep–related violence; dissociative states; Munchausen syndrome by proxy Greg Stores; Part VI. Conclusions: 30. Future developments Greg Stores and Luci Wiggs; Glossary; Index.


ISBN-13: 9781898683247
Publisher: Mac Keith Press (MacKeith Press)
Publication date: February, 2007
Pages: 236
Dimensions: 166.00 x 240.00 x 19.16
Weight: 490g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Neurology, Paediatrics and Neonatal, Psychiatry
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