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Oxford Assess and Progress: Psychiatry
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Progress to exam success with Oxford Assess and Progress: Psychiatry! This compact revision guide contains 250 Single Best Answer and Extended Matching Questions on all the key areas in undergraduate psychiatry curricula, from interview and assessment skills to substance misuse psychiatry.

The Oxford Assess and Progress series offers high-quality revision content that teaches as well as tests. Every question in this volume comes with extensive feedback, explaining the rationale behind every answer. The questions are ranked by difficulty to help you track your progress as you revise. This title is cross-referenced to the best-selling Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, third edition and Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties, ninth edition
and includes directions to other sources of further reading to help you develop your knowledge.

Written by practicing psychiatrists, general practitioners, and experts in medical assessment, this is the ultimate revision guide for undergraduates studying for psychiatry exams or preparing for rotations in psychiatry and general practice, as well as GP trainees revising psychiatry for exams.


1. Descriptive psychopathology ; 2. Assessment and interviewing skills ; 3. Symptoms of psychiatric illness ; 4. Community psychiatry ; 5. Emergency department psychiatry ; 6. Psychopharmacology ; 7. Psychological treatment and psychotherapy ; 8. Mental health and the law ; 9. Child and adolescent psychiatry ; 10. Old age psychiatry ; 11. Learning disability ; 12. Substance misuse psychiatry ; 13. Liaison psychiatry and organic illness


ISBN-13: 9780199665662
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: May, 2014
Pages: 336
Dimensions: 100.00 x 178.00 x 14.00
Weight: 176g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Medical Study and Teaching Aids, Psychiatry


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