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Fast Facts: Renal Disorders
Series: Fast Facts
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Main description:

Kidney disease is common, and its prevalence is increasing worldwide. Current statistics suggest that up to 8% of the population in developed countries have some degree of renal impairment. The economic and social consequences are enormous.

Early detection coupled with the appropriate therapeutic strategy can radically reduce the progressive nature and complications associated with chronic kidney disease and successfully treat acute renal failure in many instances.

It is essential that all physicians, both in hospitals and in the community, have an awareness of renal disease - the presenting signs, differential diagnoses, treatment strategies and approach to the management of complications.

- An expert, factual presentation of exactly the information required to provide optimal care for patients
- Three specialists of international repute present a clear and concise account of each disease state
- Key points summarized at each chapter-end
- Comprehensively illustrated - concise and directly applicable in the clinical setting


Hematuria, proteinuria and renal investigations
Electrolyte disturbances and acid-base disorders
Acute renal failure
Chronic kidney disease
Hypertension and diabetic nephropathy
Systemic disease
Inherited kidney diseases
Urinary tract infections
Stone disease
Urinary tract obstruction tumors
Pregnancy and renal disease
Renal replacement therapy and renal transplantation


ISBN-13: 9781905832170
Publisher: Health Press
Publication date: February, 2006
Pages: 150
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nephrology
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Fast Facts: Renal Disorders is a compact, evidence-based guide to renal diseases and disorders, designed for doctors and nurses who teach and train in hospitals and the community. Nurses in nephrology and dialysis will gain an awareness of renal diseases and its management and complications...It covers diseases most often associated with kidney disease - hypertension, diabetic neuropathy, glomerulonephritis, systemic diseases, and inherited kidney diseases. It has good definitions of treatments, lab tests, values and outcomes. It has tables and charts that will aid in clinical diagnosis. It highlights and reviews each section with bulleted and easy to read tables. Illustrations are clearly labeled and easy to understand. It has color coded tabs for the entire chapter with a corresponding page in the front of the book and one on the back cover for quick and easy reference. Each chapter has a list of key references. At the end of the book, there is a list of useful addresses and Web sites in the United Kingdom and the United States. This book is compact, is well written and is easy to read.