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Crash Course Ethics and Human Science
Series: Crash Course
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Main description:

Medical ethics, sociology and epidemiology rarely arouse one's passion and can, as minor subjects within a busy curriculum, find themselves ignored by vast swathes of students. However, recent times have seen not only a greater general understanding of these subjects but also a greater appreciation of their role within modern medical practice.

In addition, these subjects are increasingly appearing in exams and, more importantly, they will crop up in every field and at every level of future working lives. In writing this book, the authors hope to provide a springboard from which students can develop a reasoned ethical approach to dilemmas as and when they present, both within their practice of medicine and in the exam situation. The sociology and public health sections aim to provide key information on the theories and studies that have helped to shape the practice of these disciplines - topics that are all too often unacknowledged by medical students and doctors alike. In doing so, the authors hope to provide the essential facts on these subjects without leaving readers to wade through irrelevant material. It is hoped that all students might begin to enjoy evidence (as well as experience)-based medicine and appreciate its importance regardless of the medical or surgical careers that they pursue.


Part 1: Medical Ethics and the Law
1: Principles of Ethics
2: Ethics and the Patient
3: Ethics and the Professional

Part 2: Sociology and Public Health
4: Introduction to Sociology
5: Sociology and Disease
6: Inequality in Healthcare Provision
7: Organisation of Healthcare Provision
8: Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine

Part 3: Statistics and Evidence Based Medicine
9: Principles of Statistics in Medicine
10: Evidence Based Medicine, Research and Clinical Trials
11: Audit
12: Critical Appraisal of Journals


ISBN-13: 9780723433460
Publisher: Elsevier (Mosby)
Publication date: March, 2006
Pages: 224
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Ethics, Nursing
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