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Endocrine Facets of Ageing
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Main description:

Social and medical developments during the past century have led to a dramatic increase in life expectancy and hence populations in countries of the developed world in which up to half of adults are in the age range of 60–100. This has encouraged the study of organismic changes associated with healthy ageing, of which an early example is the erosion of homeostatic capabilities in multiple endocrine systems.

This book reviews and discusses the most recent advances in the understanding of the endocrine facets of ageing, drawing together findings from both basic and clinical research. The questions addressed include the following: what are the relative magnitudes and time courses of different endocrine adaptations in the ageing human and experimental animal? How do external factors influence the rates of progression of endocrine sequelae of ageing? What mechanisms underlie the disarray of endocrine axes in ageing? And what are the implications of therapeutic reconstitution with hormones in ageing? By bringing together an international and interdisciplinary group of experts, the book reviews much new and exciting work in this area and serves to identify promising new research directions.

Back cover:

Social and medical developments during the past century have led to a dramatic increase in life expectancy and hence populations in countries of the developed world in which up to half of adults are in the age range of 60–100. This has encouraged the study of organismic changes associated with healthy ageing, of which an early example is the erosion of homeostatic capabilities in multiple endocrine systems.

This book reviews and discusses the most recent advances in the understanding of the endocrine facets of ageing, drawing together findings from both basic and clinical research. The questions addressed include the following: what are the relative magnitudes and time courses of different endocrine adaptations in the ageing human and experimental animal? How do external factors influence the rates of progression of endocrine sequelae of ageing? What mechanisms underlie the disarray of endocrine axes in ageing? And what are the implications of therapeutic reconstitution with hormones in ageing? By bringing together an international and interdisciplinary group of experts, the book reviews much new and exciting work in this area and serves to identify promising new research directions.


Chair′s Introduction (J.D. Veldhuis)

Endocrine aspects of healthy ageing in men(A.W. van den Beld and S.W.J. Lamberts)

Ageing, stress and the brain (B.J. Carroll)

Alterations in the ageing corticotropic stress–response axis (P. Bjorntorp)

Male reproductive ageing: using the Brown Norway rat as a model for man (C. Wang et al)

Male reproductive ageing: human fertility, androgens and hormone dependent disease (D.J. Handelsman)

Mechanisms of conjoint failure of the somatotropic and gonadal axes in ageing men (J.D. Veldhuis et al)

Effects of growth hormone and insulin–like growth factor 1 deficiency on ageing and 1ongevity (Z. Laron)

The role of the insulin–like growth factor 1 and insulin in ageing and atherosclerosis (A. Ruiz–Torres)

The ageing female reproductive axis –1 Henry G. Burger et al)

The ageing female reproductive axis II: ovulatory changes with perimenopause (J. C. Prior)

The thyroid axis in ageing (H Leitolf et al)

Critical illness as a model of hypothalamic ageing (G. Van den Berghe and S.M. Shalet)

Glucose tolerance, glucose utilization and insulin secretion in ageing (D.Elahi et al)

Endocrine causes of age–related bone loss and osteoporosis (B.L. Riggs)

Ageing and water homeostasis (D. Robertson et al)

Summing Up (J.D. Veldhuis)


ISBN-13: 9780470846544
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Wiley–Blackwell)
Publication date: October, 2008
Pages: 298
Dimensions: 169.00 x 221.00 x 19.00
Weight: 602g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders
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Average Rating 

"...This book certainly represents a useful starting point to review our current knowledge." (The Endocrinologist, July 2002)

"...The book is helpful to understand the recent advances in this research field..." (Endocrine Journal, June 2002) 

"...The Novartis Foundation should be congratulates for editing the very instructive discussions..." (Jnl of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, Vol.15, No.6, 2002)

" I would recommend this book for specialists in the field of endocrinology " (Gerontology, Vol.49, No.3, 2003)

"...The Novartis Foundation should be congratulated for editing the very instructive discussions." (Journal of Endocrine Genetics, Vol.3, No.2, 2002)