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Main description:

Echocardiography is a key investigation to understand heart disease. It is performed by a wide range of doctors including cardiologists, anaesthetists and intensivists, as well as a large body of technicians. The book provides all the essential information on how to perform, analyse and report echocardiograms in an easily accessible handbook presentation. It is designed to complement training and accreditation programmes and, importantly, bridges the gap in echocardiography books
between the simple entry-level texts and the large textbooks.
Based on international cardiology and echocardiography society guidelines, this book aims to demystify transthoracic, transoesophageal and stress imaging, while remaining authoritative.


ISBN-13: 9780199215751
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: July, 2007
Pages: 576
Weight: 307g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain, Cardiovascular Medicine, Radiology
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Average Rating 

...well written, concise and flows in an easy to understand manner...For a 'pocket' book, the subject is surprisingly covered in great detail. ... the cardiology list is becoming quite impressive - the echo book is a really first class book, and should sell really well - every cardiology SpR should have one, so should most consultants, and many general medicine SpRs ... This volume is constructed to be maximally useful to both novices and experienced personnel, echocardiographers, and sonographers. Emerging from one of the leading academic centers in the United Kingdom, it is a major achievement, both as a technical manual and an authoritative source. Clinical practice will be reinforced by this volume, while neophytes will find it an invaluable reference. A major diagnostic technology in cardiovascular disease deserves and is well served by this important contribution. Use it and enjoy it. Concise and little in volume, but has enormous amount of data packed into it leaving very little to imagination. Authors show remarkable hands-on experience, point by point explanation, readable, easily understood and very affordable...has everything practical you possibly want to know about adult echocardiography in one place! invaluable tool in the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiac disease...highly readable The highlight of the book is that it gives guidence to the sonographer on reporting abnormalities and what further information is needed to assess for specific adnormalities...For a 'pocket' book, the subject is surprisingly covered in great detail.