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Nuclear Cardiology
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Main description:

This is the first concise guide to nuclear cardiology that provides a comprehensive overview of the current practice of the speciality. It has been designed as a useful pocket reference to aid trainees and specialists during the process of acquiring and reporting nuclear cardiology scans. It can be used as both an introductory text for newcomers to the technique as well as a reference for the more experienced. The book covers all major aspects of nuclear cardiology with information
that is useful to technicians, nurses, radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians and cardiologists. There is a strong emphasis on reporting and clinical correlation as well as commonly encountered pitfalls.
The book has been divided into the following broad sections: physics and instrumentation; radiopharmaceuticals and protocols; stress testing; myocardial perfusion SPECT and radionuclide ventriculography image interpretation; and clinical value of nuclear cardiology.
The book provides the core knowledge and advanced information required to facilitate setting up and provide a clinically relevant service. Wherever possible the text is based on published international guidelines, and aims to demystify the investigations whilst remaining authoritative.


ISBN-13: 9780199206445
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: March, 2008
Pages: 256
Dimensions: 105.00 x 186.00 x 13.00
Weight: 176g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Cardiovascular Medicine, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology
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Average Rating 

...this is a refreshing, readable and highly informative handbook that I immensely enjoyed reading. I congratulate the authors and am confident that this gallant effort will serve to better educate physicians and improve patient care. Highly recommended. Its superb organisational format and clear unfussy style of writing makes information easily retrievable. A well-written, thorough but concise account of the area that follows the popular Oxford Handbook format...well-balanced and excelling in both presentation and accessibility, this handbook is highly recommended to all those involved in the delivery of a nuclear cardiology service and to those referrers for nuclear cardiology who want to make the best of the informationa that the techniques provide. This handbook will be an extremely valuable guide to the use of nuclear cardiology for physicians involved in the contemporary practice of clinical cardiology.'