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Basic Electrocardiography
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Main description:

This handy workbook covers the essential components of electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) and is useful in helping the reader identify a number of conditions, including arrhythmias, conduction blocks and heart attacks. Basic Electrocardiography reviews the fundamentals of this modality, from recognizing the normal tracing to specifics like identifying bundle branch blocks or ventricular fibrillation. This book will teach students not only the skills to interpret the electrocardiogram but also the language of electrocardiograms. Each chapter introduces basic themes, gives examples from actual patient tracings, and provides self-test electrocardiograms that will reinforce key concepts. Designed for the clerkship student, resident, or even the practicing professional who wants to brush up on EKG particulars, Basic Electrocardiography is a user-friendly guide to one of medicine's most useful tools.


Comprehensive overview of basics

Illustrated for easy understanding

Test tracings included at the end of each chapter

Back cover:

This handy workbook covers the essential components of electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) and is useful in helping the reader identify a number of conditions, including arrhythmias, conduction blocks and heart attacks. Basic Electrocardiography reviews the fundamentals of this modality, from recognizing the normal tracing to specifics like identifying bundle branch blocks or ventricular fibrillation. This book will teach students not only the skills to interpret the electrocardiogram but also the language of electrocardiograms. Each chapter introduces basic themes, gives examples from actual patient tracings, and provides self-test electrocardiograms that will reinforce key concepts. Designed for the clerkship student, resident, or even the practicing professional who wants to brush up on EKG particulars, Basic Electrocardiography is a user-friendly guide to one of medicine's most useful tools.


Components of the Electrocardiogram: the Normal Tracing.- Axis.- Myocardial Infarction and Ischemia.- Atrioventricular (AV) Block.- Bundle Branch Blocks and Hemiblocks.- Chamber Enlargement.- Arrhythmias.


ISBN-13: 9781493924127
Publisher: Springer (Springer New York)
Publication date: December, 2015
Pages: 140
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Cardiothoracic, Cardiovascular Medicine, Diseases and Disorders, General Practice


Brent G. Petty, MD

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Department of Medicine

Baltimore, MD, USA


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