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Pocket Anesthesia
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Designed for easy transport and quick reference, this new addition to the "Pocket Notebook Series" presents essential information that residents, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, and medical students need on the wards and in the operating room. Edited by anesthesia faculty at Harvard Medical School, "Pocket Anesthesia" is ideally suited for today's fast-paced anesthesia environment - it is concise, easy to read, and evidence-based. Essential information is presented in a well-organized schematic outline format with many tables, algorithms, and diagrams. The book is filled with must-know facts about drugs, frequent intraoperative problems, differential diagnosis, common disease states, patient evaluation, and anesthetic considerations for each subspecialty.


Preoperative Patient Evaluation Cheri Camacho Pharmacology A. Inhalational Anesthetics David Parris and Samuel Seiden B. Intravenous Anesthetics and Analgesics Samuel Seiden C. Local Anesthetics Jenna Hansen and Samuel Seiden D. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Jenna Hansen and Samuel Seiden E. Vasoactive, Autonomic and Cardiovascular Drugs Samuel Seiden F. Commonly Encountered Drugs In Anesthesia Samuel Seiden and Stephen Fink G. Antibiotics and Herbal Medications Anesthesia Equipment Jennifer Bartlett Airway Management Tarun Bhalla Anesthetic Techniques Ben Unger Regional Anesthesia Peter Wu Perioperative Monitoring Francis Dillon Ventilation Techniques Francis Dillon Fluids, Electrolytes, and Transfusion Therapy Aryana Bagchi Common Intraoperative Problems Randy Fayne and Roy Soto Procedures in Anesthesia Kai Matthes Acute Pain Management Nalini Vadivelu and Christian Whitney PACU Management and Discharge Piyush Mathur Perioperative Anesthetic Complications Michael Sanford and David Nakata ICU, Trauma and Burn Management Daniel Johnson Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery Amanda Rhee Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery Jonathan Anagnostou Anesthesia for General Surgery Maged Argalious Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery Roy Soto Anesthesia for Neurological Surgery and ECT Josh Atkins Anesthesia for ENT and Ophthalmologic Surgery Josh Atkins Anesthesia for Urologic Surgery Christine Finer Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery Robert Hsiung Anesthesia for Endocrine Surgery Matvey Bobylev Anesthesia for Obstetrics and Gynecologic Surgery Paloma Toledo Anesthesia for Pediatric Surgery Tom Romanelli Anesthesia for Ambulatory Surgery Ursula Galway Anesthesia for Aesthetic Surgery & Outside of the O.R. Ruchir Gupta Chronic Pain Management Nalini Vadivelu and Christian Whitney Anesthesia for Transplant Surgery Amanda Rhee Anesthesia for the Elderly Raymond Roy EKG Interpretation Amanda Rhee Ethical Issues in Anesthesia Richard Urman and Jesse Ehrenfeld Emergency Algorithms Tracy Dovich Common Medical Phrases in Spanish Salomon Maya Normal Laboratory Values Mark Hoeft Appendices A. Common Formulae B. Anesthesia Machine Checkout C. Operating Room Set Up for an Anesthesia Case D. Malignant Hyperthermia Management E. ASA Guidelines E-1. Preoperative Care E-2. Monitoring E-3. Postoperative Care


ISBN-13: 9780781795845
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication date: July, 2009
Pages: 256
Dimensions: 108.00 x 181.00 x 15.00
Weight: 317g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Anaesthetics and Pain, Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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