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Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes
Series: Oxford Textbook
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Main description:

Completely revised and updated since publication of the highly-valued first edition in 2002, the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes second edition provides an up-to-date, stimulating and comprehensive account of endocrinology and diabetes. Containing first rate, pragmatic advice on diagnosis and clear guidelines for recommended management, it also covers the scientific principles that underlie medical practice.

Packed into one comprehensive volume, the textbook contains 254 chapters, organised into 13 sections for easy-access to the relevant information. Each chapter is written by an internationally-acknowledged expert, relates basic science to evidence based guidelines and clinical management, and where appropriate offers an outline of the controversies in the field. The textbook has an international focus, and where possible deals with medical practice in countries without advanced medical

Containing over 700 illustrations, including a colour plate section of 100 full colour photographs, and numerous tables and boxes to complement the text, the textbook is now also available online. Individuals who purchase the print edition of the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes second edition are entitled to six months' free access to the online version.


ISBN-13: 9780199235292
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: July, 2011
Pages: 2160
Weight: 4927g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Endocrinology
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Average Rating 

The work of Wass and Stewart should be in every medical library and I recommend that every endocrinologists gets a copy. For someone who is fond of Endocrinology was a pleasure to open this book. It is a classic textbook in endocrinology and diabetes, as well as being contemporary in language, content and illustrations. I recommend the book to anyone who needs a large and updated textbook of endocrinology and diabetes.