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Nano-Enabled Medical Applications
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Main description:

This book is the second in a series presenting articles that received the most citations in recent years in nanomedicine. The series is edited by, a prominent nanotechnology researcher and editor-in-chief of Precision Nanomedicine. The theme of the second volume is about nano-enabled medical applications. The 19 articles collected here have already acquired more than 12,500 citations highlighting the importance and professional recognition of the work of these scientists in nanomedicine. The content includes the general overview of the field and a wide variety of applications that have been impossible without nanoscience and nanotechnology.


Intelligent nanomaterials for medicine: Carrier platforms and targeting strategies: State of the Art. Nanocarriers as an Emerging Platform for Cancer Therapy. Microfluidic Technologies for Accelerating the Clinical Translation of Nanoparticles. Theranostic Nanomedicine. The Emerging Field of RNA Nanotechnology. Drug Targeting to Tumors: Principles, Pitfalls and (Pre-) Clinical Progress. Biomolecular coronas provide the biological identity of nanosized materials. Protein-Nanoparticle Interactions. Rapid Formation of Plasma Protein Corona Critically Affects Nanoparticle Pathophysiology. Normalization of Tumour Blood Vessels Improves the Delivery of Nanomedicines in a Size-Dependent Manner. The Properties and Applications of Nanodiamonds. Nanotechnological Strategies for Engineering Complex Tissues. Promises, Facts and Challenges for Carbon Nanotubes in Imaging and Therapeutics. In vivo Biodistribution and Highly Efficient Tumour Targeting of Carbon Nanotubes in Mice. A Pilot Study in Non-Human Primates Shows No Adverse Response to Intravenous Injection of Quantum Dots. Nanomedicines for ocular NSAIDs: State-of-Art Update of the Safety on Drug Delivery. Rare Earth Nanoparticles Prevent Retinal Degeneration Induced by Intracellular Peroxides. Nanomechanical Analysis of Cells from Cancer Patients. Multi-Electrode Array Technologies for Neuroscience and Cardiology.


ISBN-13: 9789814800327
Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd
Publication date: November, 2020
Pages: 600
Weight: 1330g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering, Oncology


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