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Medical Histories for the MRCP and Final MB
Series: MasterPass
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Main description:

Taking a patient's medical history is a vital skill often overlooked by junior doctors and medical students, leading to a worryingly high failure rate in the PACES and OSCE exams. Don't be caught out! This book has been specifically designed to give you invaluable guidance and practice for taking medical histories. It features 50 complete case studies, including referral letters, medical histories, suggested data gathering methods, points to consider, warning signs, management of uncomfortable topics and differential diagnosis. With a focus on the importance and benefits of role-play in revision, this concise and easy to read format provides the study aid for Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) candidates sitting their Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills (PACES) examinations. It is also of great benefit to undergraduates approaching their final year examinations.


How to use this book. Taking a medical history. Practice cases: Sudden blindness. Painful knee. Diarrhoeal illness. Haemoptysis. New diabetic. Shortness of breath. Swollen leg. Palpitations. Loss of libido. Dysphagia. Unexplained weight gain. Renal impairment. Recurrent chest infections. Aches and pains. Difficult to treat chest infection. Headache. Painful hands. Change in bowel habit. Tremor. Lymphodenopathy. Hypertension. Abdominal pains. Blue fingers. Hypokalaemia. Abdominal and leg swelling. Pruritis. Polydipsia and polyuria. Diplopia. Backache. Oral ulceration. Anaemia. Splenomegaly. Confusion. Clubbing. Constipation. Fits. Dizziness. Facial pain. Hirsuitism. Jaundice. Painful joint and temperature. Unsteady on his feet. Vomiting. Unexplained weight gain. Night sweats. Blackout. Hyperpigmentation. Painful shins. Sensory neuropathy. Gynaecomastia.


ISBN-13: 9781846191527
Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Publication date: December, 2007
Pages: 216
Weight: 408g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice, Medical Diagnosis, Medical Study and Teaching Aids
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