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Landmark Papers in Otolaryngology
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Main description:

Otolaryngological conditions affect people of all ages from newborns to older members of society, and have serious consequences for daily functions such as breathing, taste, and communication. There is a constant desire to understand the best evidence for current practice in a constantly evolving field such as medicine, and key publications underpin this contemporary knowledge.

Landmark Papers in Otolaryngology presents a distilled summary of 99 of the classic, ground-breaking, and significant publications in the field of otolaryngology that are of essential relevance to the speciality today. Each paper is described, critiqued, and brought into the context of modern-day practice by a carefully selected team of international authorities from each subspecialist area to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the key publications in otolaryngology.

Whether your aim is to understand the origins of otolaryngology, to review advances in key areas, or to gain insight from experts, this book offers a wealth of knowledge for everyone in the field, from the new trainee to the senior clinician. Landmark Papers in Otolaryngology is an invaluable and easily accessible reference text for all practitioners in the field, as well as those in overlapping specialities such as maxillofacial surgery, neurology, and plastic surgery.


Otology and Audiology
1: Christopher Aldren: Stapes surgery
2: Christopher Aldren: Cholesteatoma surgery
3: Christopher Aldren: Ossiculoplasty
4: David Selvadurai and Georgios Oikonomou: Retraction pockets
5: David Selvadurai and Georgios Oikonomou: Tympanic membrane perforations
6: Olivia Whiteside: Eustachian tube function
7: Olivia Whiteside: Imaging cholesteatoma
8: David Selvadurai and Georgios Oikonomou: Malignant otitis externa
9: Olivia Whiteside: Tuning fork tests
10: Casie Keaton: Audiological aspects of presbyacusis
11: Casie Keaton: Impedance audiometry
12: Casie Keaton: Otoacoustic emissions
13: Walter Kutz: A facial nerve grading system
14: John Phillips: Medical management of Bell's palsy
15: Walter Kutz: Surgical management of Bell's palsy
16: Don McFerran: The anatomical location of tinnitus
17: Don McFerran: Tinnitus in normal hearing individuals
18: Don McFerran: A neurophysiological model of tinnitus
19: Louisa Murdin: The head thrust test
20: Louisa Murdin: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
21: Louisa Murdin: Meniere's disease
22: Walter Kutz: Endolymphatic sac decompression
23: Louisa Murdin: Vestibular migraine
24: Paul Lambert: Semicircular canal dehiscence
25: Paul Lambert and Judy Dubno: Histopathological aspects of presbyacusis
26: Paul Lambert and Jonathan Hatch: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss
27: Vincent Van Rompaey: Conservative management of vestibular schwannoma
28: Vincent Van Rompaey: Hearing preservation in vestibular schwannoma surgery
29: Vedat Topsakal: Cochlear implant design
30: Claire Hopkins: Guidelines for the management of rhinosinusitis
31: Rajiv Bhalla: Radiological staging of rhinosinusitis
32: Rajiv Bhalla: Nasal polyposis
33: Rebecca Field: Endoscopic sinus surgery
34: Claire Hopkins: Assessing quality of life in rhinosinusitis
35: Luke Reid: Surgical outcomes for rhinosinusitis
36: Hesham Saleh and Jahangir Ahmed: Allergic rhintis and asthma
37: Hesham Saleh and Jahangir Ahmed: Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
38: Hesham Saleh and Jahangir Ahmed: Immunotherapy
39: Luke Reid: Noninfectious, nonallergic rhinitis
40: Rebecca Field: Epistaxis
41: Claire Hopkins: Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
42: Sally Erskine: Smell and taste disorders
43: Sally Erskine: Facial pain
44: Rebecca Field: Body dysmorphic disorder
45: Luke Reid: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
46: Rajiv Bhalla: The classification of orbital complications of acute rhinosinusitis
Malignant Head and Neck Disease
47: Sally Erskine: Epidemiology of laryngeal cancer
48: Tom Roques: Smoking, alcohol and head and neck cancer
49: Liam Masterson: Human Papilloma Virus
50: Vinidh Paleri and Hannah Fox: Laser microsurgery for laryngeal cancer
51: Liam Masterson: Oncological management of head and neck cancer I
52: Tom Roques: Oncological management of head and neck cancer II
53: Tom Roques: Oncological management of head and neck cancer III
54: Liam Masterson: PET-CT as a method of surveillance for head and neck cancer
55: Sally Erskine: Quality of life for patients with laryngeal cancer
56: Tom Roques: Incidence of thyroid cancer
57: Vinidh Paleri and Hannah Fox: Radiological assessment of thyroid nodules
58: James England: Predicting outcome in thyroid cancer
59: Vinidh Paleri and Hannah Fox: Radioiodine for thyroid cancer
Benign Head and Neck Disease, Laryngology, and Sleep Medicine
60: James England: Pharyngeal pouch surgery
61: James England: Thyroglossal duct cyst surgery
62: Stephanie Cooper: The physiology of vocal cord movement
63: Stephanie Cooper: Evaluation of dysphonia
64: Stephanie Cooper: Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease
65: Olivier Vanderveken: Assessing daytime sleepiness
66: Olivier Vanderveken: Sleep nasendoscopy
67: Olivier Vanderveken: Snoring surgery
68: Andy Bath: Tonsillitis
69: Paul Little: Tonsillectomy
70: Paul Little: Otitis media with effusion
71: Veronica Kennedy: Ventilation tubes
72: Paul Little: Acute otitis media with effusion
73: Veronica Kennedy: Brainstem evoked response audiometry
74: Veronica Kennedy: Paediatric sensorineural hearing loss
75: Veronica Kennedy: Congenital malformations of the inner ear
76: Gavin Morrison: Grading subglottic stenosis
77: Gavin Morrison: The cricoid split
78: Mike Saunders: Laryngeal papillomatosis
79: Mike Saunders: Infantile capillary haemangiomas
80: Andy Bath: Cervical lymphadenitis in children
81: Selvadurai and Georgios Oikonomou: Cochlear implantation in children
Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery
82: Richard Haywood: Classification of fascio-cutaneous flaps
83: Richard Haywood: Vascular territories
84: Richard Haywood: Microvascular free flaps in head and neck surgery
85: Richard Haywood: The free thigh flap
86: Rajiv Bhalla: Skull base flaps
87: Andrew Sidebottom: Classification of facial fractures
88: Andrew Sidebottom: The temporomandibular joint
89: Andrew Sidebottom: Drooling
90: Phil Hodgson: Steroids for children undergoing tonsillectomy
91: Phil Hodgson: Implications of codeine administration after tonsillectomy
92: Phil Hodgson: Effects of general anaesthesia in children
93: Hamish Lyall: Managing perioperative anticoagulation
94: Hamish Lyall: Postoperative venous thromboembolism
95: Hamish Lyall: Tranexamic acid
96: Peter Webber: Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee
97: Peter Webber: Bolitho v City & Hackney Health Authority
98: Peter Webber: Chappel v Hart
99: Robert Dobie: Noise-induced hearing loss


ISBN-13: 9780198834281
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: August, 2018
Pages: 416
Dimensions: 171.00 x 247.00 x 23.00
Weight: 740g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Plastic/Reconstructive & Aesthetic
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