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Immune-based Cancer Treatment
The T Iymphocyte Response
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Main description:

The culmination of 30 years of research and experience in T-cell-based cancer, this book highlights and evaluates new treatments that harness the power of the T cell to attack and kill all cancer cells in our bodies. It describes how the T cell immune system can be manipulated and redirected to kill resistant cancer cells by understanding and influencing the interaction of many different immune cells in the body. Citing current experimental trials, it examines the role and pathology of T-cells and suggests additional experimental approaches to the problem.


Foreword, Acknowledgements, Introduction, 1. Which Cells Control the Anti-cancer T cell Immune Response, 2. Antigen Presentation, 3. T cells and Cancer Cells: Components of Immune-based Anti-cancer Therapy, 4. Anti-cancer Vaccines: New Approaches, 5. How and Why Do We Get Cancer and Can Immune-based Anti-cancer Therapy Save Us?, 6. Immunotherapeutic Approaches to the Treatment of Leukemia, 7. Cancer-induced Autoimmunity, 8. Can We Solve the Cancer Stem Cell Program and Cure Cancert Using T cell-based Immunotherapy?, 9. Translational Immunology and Its Impact on Anti-cancer T cell Immunity and the Development of Immunotherapeutic Treatments for Cancer, 10. Dendritic Cells, Immunotherapy and the Anti-cancer T cell Response, 11. Regulatory T cells, Dendritic cells and the Success of Immunotherapeutic Treatments for Cancer, 12. NK Cells and Their Role in the Development of Immune-based Anti-cancer Therapy, 13. How Cancer cells Influence the Anti-cancer T cell Immune Response and Why This Is a Problem during the Immunotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer, 14. The T cell Anti-cancer Response, T cell Regulation, and Immunotherapy of Neural Crest Cancers, 15. The Immunological Hole: Will We Fall In?, 16. Summary and Concluding Remarks, References, Index


ISBN-13: 9781578087037
Publisher: Science Publishers,U.S.
Publication date: January, 2011
Pages: 250
Weight: 630g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Immunology, Oncology


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