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Health and Health Care Inequities, Infectious Diseases and Social Factors
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Main description:

This next volume in Research in the Sociology of Health Care covers a variety of important social factors and their relationship to health and health care inequities both in the United States and the rest of the world.

The authors of this volume explore issues related to infectious diseases and various chronic health problems. One section focuses on Covid 19 and issues of kidney disease, face masks and social values, pandemic experiences in rural parts of the United States, and in urban India. Other topics that are discussed focus on issues outside the United States such as in Nepal, Ecuador, and broader cross-national comparisons. Several papers focus on health care system issues within the United States including micro hospitals in Texas, evidence-based medicine, and trends in health disparities in the Latina population in the United States.

Written from a sociological and broader social science approach, the papers provide important information both about broad trends in the US and other countries and some specific considerations of issues from a social perspective as linked to Covid 19.


Part 1. Covid 19 Related Papers

Chapter 1. Intersections of Health Inequities, COVID-19, and Kidney Disease Care in 2020; Nancy G.Kutner

Chapter 2. Social Values, Face Masks, and COVID-19: An Exploratory Case Study; Harry Perlstadt

Chapter 3. "We're Such a Small Community": A Qualitative Study of COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences in Rural New Mexico; Kate Cartwright, Madison Gonya, Lila Baca, and Audrey Eakman

Chapter 4. The Role of Adaptability and Resistance To Change In Mitigating The Effects Of Pandemic; Padmashree.G.S, Dr. Mamatha.H.K, Dr. Anil. S. Bilimale, Dr. Kishor. M, and Arun Gopi

Part 2. Lessons From Outside the United States

Chapter 5. "Living on the Fault Lines: Women's Gender, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health in Post-Disaster Nepal"; Jennifer Rothchild

Chapter 6. Migratory Stress, Health and Gender: An Intersectional Analysis of the Ecuadorean Case; Roberta Villalon and Sarah Kraft

Chapter 7. Cross-National Differences in the Interrelationship Between Education, Use of Health Information from the Media, and Wellbeing; Rania F. Valeeva

Part 3. Health Care System Issues in the United States

Chapter 8. Novel Healthcare Model, Continuation of Inequality: Exploring the Role of Micro Hospitals in Texas Healthcare Access Through Demographic Spatial Modeling; Jingqiu Ren, Ryan Earl, and Ernesto F. L. Amaral

Chapter 9. Evidence-based Medicine and the Limits of Standardization; Stephanie N. Wilson

Chapter 10. Trends in Health Disparities of Rural Latinos Pre- and Post-Accountable Care Organization Implementation; Judith Ortiz, Boondaniwon D. Phrathep, Richard Hofler, and Chad W. Thomas


ISBN-13: 9781801179416
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Publication date: March, 2022
Pages: 256
Dimensions: 152.00 x 229.00 x 16.00
Weight: 425g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, General Issues, General Practice


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