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Series: The Facts
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Main description:

Many people see falling as an inevitable part of growing older, and falls can result in serious injuries. As we age, deterioration in our ability to maintain balance, underlying illnesses, or disabilities can result in falls. Currently, one in eight patients in hospital are admitted due to a fall, and 50% of people over 80 years old fall every year.
It is almost always possible to minimize the chances of falling, and to make our personal environment safer for when falls do occur. This book covers all aspects of falls, explaining why they happen, the common consequences, and what can be done to prevent them. It is intended for patients and their families, but will also be of value for health professionals at all levels.
Falls: The Facts is an informative and practical guide, containing advice on what to do and how to cope when falls occur. It includes personal accounts of patients and their relatives to illustrate true experiences, and the positive outcomes that treatment can produce.


ISBN-13: 9780199541287
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP Oxford)
Publication date: June, 2008
Pages: 200
Dimensions: 129.00 x 196.00 x 11.00
Weight: 220g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Orthopaedics and Fractures
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Average Rating 

This book provides useful guidance on assessment, aids and promoting safety. It is a readable and information-rich generic guide and recommended for anyone involved in the support or care of older people. Preventing and treating falls and falls-related injuries remain one of the most important challenges in our health care system. Adam Darowski has provided a unique and valuable reference which should be read by all those involved in responding to the needs of older people who have fallen.