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Dental Interviews - A Comprehensive Guide to DCT & ST Interview Skills
Over 120 Dentistry Interview Questions, Techniques, and NHS Topics Explained
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Main description:

Written and edited by experts in medical interview skills, this second edition takes you through all the important aspects of DCT, ST and Registrar interviews and will give you a unique insight into the marking schemes. Through the detailed analysis of 120 dental interview questions, techniques and NHS hot topics, you will gain an invaluable insight into a wide range of common dental interview topics such as - how to talk about your motivation, your skills, experience, strengths and weaknesses; - how to demonstrate your understanding and experience of clinical governance, audit, research and teaching; - how to deal with difficult ethical dilemmas on confidentiality and consent; - how to handle a wide array of difficult colleagues. This book also contains detail of recent NHS reforms and other hot topics which may be discussed at interviews. As well as formal dental interview stations, the book provides advice on how to handle role play, presentation, group discussion and other communication stations.


1: Structure of the interview; 2: Selection criteria; 3: Marking scheme; 4: Key interview techniques; 5: Key interview structures and frameworks; 6: Portfolio station; 7: Background and motivation questions; 8: Skills-based questions; 9: Academic and clinical governance questions; 10: Difficult colleagues; 11: Confidentiality, consent and other ethical principles; 12: Difficult scenarios; 13: NHS issues and hot topics; 14: Body language and dress code; 15: Communication / role play station; 16: Presentation station; 17: Group discussion station; 18: Action and power words; 19: References


ISBN-13: 9781905812257
Publisher: ISC Medical
Publication date: March, 2020
Pages: None
Dimensions: 149.00 x 210.00 x 17.00
Weight: 450g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Dentistry, Medical Study and Teaching Aids


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