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Bouncing Back
Skills for Adaptation to Injury, Aging, Illness, and Pain
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Main description:

Decline in our physical and mental abilities may be due to injury, illness, or chronic pain, or may simply be the results of normal aging. Sometimes changes in ability are gradual enough and minor enough that we adapt to them effortlessly. In other circumstances, however, these ability changes are more abrupt or more pronounced and pose a real challenge to our coping resources. In Bouncing Back: Skills for Adaptation to Injury, Aging, Illness and Pain, Richard Wanlass shares new
research findings and observations of what he has learned in his thirty-five years of helping others adapt to these changes.

Bouncing Back presents seven modules associated with changes in ability, including self-management, mood regulation, stress and anxiety management, anger and frustration management, relationship management, memory management, and pain management. Exercises follow almost every section to ensure concepts are understood and practiced. These developed tools provide new resilience skills and strategies to become better at change. They address the specific challenges of the broad and growing
population of those learning to adapt to their loss of ability, and should be of aid for the public and for rehabilitation psychologists and neuropsychologists in their practice.


ISBN-13: 9780190610555
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP USA)
Publication date: June, 2017
Pages: 184
Weight: 648g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Psychotherapy


Average Rating 

A must-read for individuals adapting to any change in functioning due to injury, aging, illness, or pain and a valuable resource for cliniciansWhat makes this book stand out is the easily understandable step-by-step guide to changing behaviors that are obstacles to coping with loss of ability. Dr. Wanlass does a superb job of integrating his decades of clinical experience with scientific data to create a powerful and user-friendly guide. A must-read for anyone attempting to navigate the inevitable changes in health and wellness that accompany us in our journey through life. Each chapter is peppered with creative exercises that are readily accessible. I especially loved Wanlasss empathy intermixed with humor that makes the examples come aliveI look forward to recommending this workbook to my patients. A much-needed, powerful, user-friendly guideProvides straightforward strategiesto help patients and families adapt and even thrive in the face of major life-changing challenges. This is a great book that will be of wide valueI cant imagine anyone who wouldnt benefit from part of it! Bouncing Back has been an essential component of my group therapy sessions for patients coping with pain and other chronic health conditions. This comprehensive handbook is written in a down-to-earth, easy-to-read format and has helped many of my patients move towards successful adaptation. An encouraging must-have book, which will inspire empowerment and tenacity, as well as assist in optimizing quality of life. Heartily recommended.