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The Dementias 2
Blue Books of Neurology Series, Volume 30
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Main description:

The Dementias 2 provides clinicians with the most up-to-date material on therapeutics and accurate diagnoses in order to give the best patient care. Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia disorders are discussed, giving practitioners much-needed guidance in determining which dementia is at the root of the problem and how best to move forward.


1. Clinical Neurophysiology, Eric Stalberg and Robert R. Young

2. Movement Disorders, C. David Marsden and Stanley Fahn

3. Cerebral Vascular Disease, Michael J.G. Harrison and Mark L. Dyken

4. Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Arthur K. Asbury and R.W. Gilliatt

5. The Epilepsies, Roger J. Porter and Paolo I. Morselli

6. Multiple Sclerosis, W. Ian McDonald and Donald H. Silberberg

7. Movement Disorders 2, C. David Marsden and Stanley Fahn

8. Infections of the Nervous System, Peter G.E. Kennedy and Richard T. Johnson

9. The Molecular Biology of Neurological Disease, Roger N. Rosenberg and Anita E. Harding

10. Pain Syndromes in Neurology, Howard L. Fields

11. Principles and Practice of Restorative Neurology, Robert R. Young and Paul J. Delwaide

12. Stroke: Populations, Cohorts, and Clinical Trials, Jack P. Whisnant

13. Movement Disorders 3, C. David Marsden and Stanley Fahn

14. Mitochondrial Disorders in Neurology, A.H.V. Schapira and Salvatore DiMauro

15. Peripheral Nerve Disorders 2, Arthur K. Asbury and P.K. Thomas

16. Contemporary Behavioral Neurology, Michael R. Trimble and Jeffrey L. Cummings

17. Headache, Peter J. Goadsby and Stephen D. Silberstein

18. The Epilepsies 2, Roger J. Porter and David Chadwick

19. The Dementias, John H. Growdon and Martin N. Rossor

20. Hospitalist Neurology, Martin A. Samuels

21. Neurologic Complications in Organ Transplant Recipients, Eelco F.M. Wijdicks

22. Critical Care Neurology, David H. Miller and Eric C. Raps

23. Neurology of Bladder, Bowel, and Sexual Dysfunction, Clare J. Fowler

24. Muscle Diseases, Anthony H.V. Schapira and Robert C. Griggs

25. Clinical Trials in Neurologic Practice, José Biller and Julien Bogousslavsky

26. Mitochondrial Disorders in Neurology 2, A.H.V. Schapira and Salvatore DiMauro

27. Multiple Sclerosis 2, W. Ian McDonald and John H. Noseworthy

28. Motor Neuron Disorders, Pamela J. Shaw and Michael J. Strong

29. Prevention and Treatment of Ischemic Stroke, Scott E. Kasner and Philip B. Gorelick

30. The Dementias 2, John H. Growdon and Martin N. Rossor

31. Spinocerebellar Degenerations: The Ataxias and Spastic Paraplegias, Alexis Brice and Stefan-M. Pulst


ISBN-13: 9780750675420
Publisher: Elsevier (Butterworth-Heinemann)
Publication date: April, 2007
Pages: 452
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Neurology, Psychiatry
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