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The Cell
Discovering the Microscopic World that Determines Our Health, Our Consciousness, and Our Future
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Your body has trillions of cells, and each one has the complexity and dynamism of a city. Your life, your thoughts, your diseases, and your health are all the function of cells. But what do you really know about what goes on inside you? The last time most people thought about cells in any detail was probably in high school or a college general biology class. But the field of cell biology has advanced incredibly rapidly in recent decades, and a great deal of what we may have learned in high school and college is no longer accurate or particularly relevant. The Cell: Inside the Microscopic World that Determines Our Health, Our Consciousness, and Our Future is a fascinating story of the incredible complexity and dynamism inside the cell and of the fantastic advancements in our understanding of this microscopic world. Dr. Joshua Z. Rappoport is at the forefront of this field, and he will take you on a journey to discover: A deeper understanding of how cells work and the basic nature of life on earth. Fascinating histories of some of the key discoveries from the seventeenth century to the last decade and provocative thoughts on the current state of academic research.
The knowledge required to better understand the new developments that are announced almost weekly in science and health care, such as cancer, cellular therapies, and the potential promise of stem cells. The ability to make better decisions about health and to debunk the misinformation that comes in daily via media. Using the latest scientific research, The Cell illustrates the diversity of cell biology and what it all means for your everyday life.


Introduction Part One: What Cells Are and How They Work Chapter 1 -- A Day the World Changed Chapter 2 -- A Guided Tour of the Cell Part Two: The Genetic Code -- How It Works, What It Means, and How Humans Cracked It Chapter 3 -- The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Chapter 4 -- Solving the Mystery of Life: the Road to the Double Helix Chapter 5 -- Epigenetics: Beyond the Central Dogma Chapter 6 -- The Monk's Garden: Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment and How It Can Be Broken Chapter 7 -- The Revolutionary Reaction, or, How to Make DNA in Your Kitchen Chapter 8 -- Piecing Together the Puzzle: How We Sequence DNA Chapter 9 -- The Genome and Personalized Medicine: Progress, Promise, and Potential Problems Chapter 10 -- The Science, Technology, and Ethics of Manipulating the Genome Chapter 11 -- Science Fiction and Social Fiction: What Is and Is Not in Our Genes Part Three: The Amazing Technology of Seeing Impossibly Small Things Chapter 12 -- The Jellyfish That Taught Us How to See Chapter 13 -- How We See Clearly Inside Living Cells Chapter 14 -- Light-sheet Microscopy, or, The Light in SPIM Stays Mainly in the Plane Chapter 15 -- Super-resolution Microscopy: Turning the Lights On One at a Time Chapter 16 -- What Makes the Glowworm Glow? The Advantages of Luminescent Imaging Chapter 17 -- More Ways to Take Pretty and Enlightening Pictures Part Four: Matters of Life and Death Chapter 18 -- How Cells Die Chapter 19 -- The Mystery of HIV Part Five: Cells, Organs and Organ Systems Chapter 20 -- What Is an Organ and Why Do We Have Them? Chapter 21 -- The Kidney: Cells in Concert Chapter 22 -- The Brain: How It Works, How We Learn, and Why It's Hard to Study Chapter 23 -- The Immune System: How It Defends Us and Sometimes Attacks Us Part Six: The Profession of Cell Biology -- the Good, the Bad, and the Future Chapter 24 -- "Judah Is Going to Cure Cancer in Two Years" Chapter 25 -- Ethics, Ambition, and the Greatest Discovery That Wasn't Chapter 26 -- The Nano Revolution Chapter 27 -- Money, Power, Ambition, and the Pursuit of Knowledge: Thoughts on the Current State of Science References and Further reading Acknowledgements About the author


ISBN-13: 9781942952961
Publisher: BenBella Books
Publication date: April, 2017
Pages: 272
Dimensions: 152.00 x 229.00 x 20.00
Weight: 335g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Physiology


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