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Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
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Remarkable developments in the field of transplantation have created opportunities to address the formidable challenges of transplantation across histocompatibility barriers, stem cell expansion, and prevention of complications and generation of graft-vs-tumor activity to eradicate residual disease. Stem Cell Transplantation for Hematologic and Other Disorders, Second Edition provides a glimpse into potential future applications of bone marrow derived stem cells in the field of cardiac repair. The updated chapters introduce the biologic underpinnings of hematopoietic cell transplantation, basic stem cell biology, immunobiology, and histocompatibility, with emphasis on indications and results of transplantation for specific diseases. Written by experts in the field, Stem Cell Transplantation for Hematologic Disorders, Second Edition provides seasoned professionals with a complete understanding of the current state of transplantation biology as well as a clear vision into the future.


I Biology of Transplantation

1. Stem Cell Biology
Authors: Elizabeth O. Hexner, M.D., Stephen G. Emerson, M.D., Ph.D.

2. Histocompatibility
Authors: Effie W. Petersdorf, MD

3. Immunobiology of Transplantation
Authors: Robert S. Negrin, M.D. Professor of Medicine Stanford University

II. Transplantation for Specific Disorders

4. Allogeneic and Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in Adult
Authors: Anthony Stein, M.D., Stephen J. Forman, M.D.

5. Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Authors: Uday Popat and Sergio Giralt

6. Stem Cell Transplantation for Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas
Authors: John Sweetenham, M.D.

7. Transplantation in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
Authors: Rifca Le Dieu MBBS MA(Cantab) MRCP MRCPath, John G. Gribben MD DSc FRCP FRCPath

8. Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma.
Authors: John Koreth and Kenneth C. Anderson

9. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Myeloproliferative Disorders
Authors: Aravind Ramakrishnan, MD, H. Joachim Deeg ,MD

10. Stem Cell Transplantation for Marrow Failure
Authors: Joseph Antin and Philippe Armand

11. Stem Cell Transplantation for Hemogobinopathies
Authors: Catherine Wu

III. Alternative Stem Cell Sources

12. Stem Cell Sources for Allogeneic Transplantation
Authors: Corey Cutler

13. Allogeneic Unrelated Donor Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Authors: Daniel Weisdorf

14. Umbilical Cord Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Authors: Mitchell E. Horwitz, M.D., Nelson Chao M.D.

15. HaploidenticalStem Cell Transplantation
Authors: Bimalangshu R. Dey, M.D., Thomas R. Spitzer, M.D.

IV. Conditioning Regimens

16. Ablative Preparative Regimens for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Authors: Amin Alousi, MD, Marcos de Lima, MD

17. Nonmyeloablative Transplantation
Authors: Frederic Baron, Brenda M. Sandmaier

V. Complications of Transplantation

18. Immune Reconstitution after Allogeneic Transplantation
Authors: Carolyn A. Keever-Taylor, Ph.D.

19. Infection in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipient
Authors: Francisco Marty, Lindsey Baden

20. EBV Lymphoproliferative Disease after Transplantation
Authors: Stephen Gottschalk, Cliona M Rooney and Helen E Heslop

21. Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease
Authors: Erica Linden, Paul Richardson

22. Lung Injury after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

23. Quality of Life Issues Post-Transplantation
Authors: Stephanie Lee


24. Pathophysiology of Acute Graft-vs-Host Disease
Authors: Pavan Reddy, MD and James L. M Ferrara, MD

25. Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease
Authors: Martin Benesch, MD, H. Joachim Deeg, MD

26. Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease
Authors: Javier Bolanos-Meade, M. D., Georgia B. Vogelsang, M. D.

VII. Immune Modulation

27. Graft Manipulation: T Cell Depletion and Tumor Cell Purging
Authors: Vincent Ho

28. Donor Lymphocyte Infusions: Clinical Applications and the Graft versus Leukemia Effect
Authors: Edwin Alyea

II. Future Uses of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

29. Regenerative Medicine: Application in Cardiovascular


ISBN-13: 9781934115053
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: November, 2008
Pages: 752
Weight: 1600g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Diseases and Disorders, Haematology, Oncology
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