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Textbook of Chemical Peels
Superficial, Medium and Deep Peels in Cosmetic Practice
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Main description:

As a means of cosmetic skin rejuvenation, chemical peels have undergone a period of unfashionability after the advent of laser-based procedures, but are now strongly returning to the forefront of a cosmetic practitioner's armamentarium. Containing the results of over fifteen years of research and practice with peels, this unique full-color volume covers all types of treatment and peel, paying attention to preparation and application, as well as complications.


1.  Chemical peels: definition and classification. 2.  Pre-peel care.  3.  Post-peel care. 4.  Factors influencing chemical peels. 5.  Choosing the right peel. 6.  Alpha-hydroxy acids: chemistry, pH and pKa, and mechanism of action. 7.  Alpha-hydroxy acids: histology and factors influencing penetration. 8.  Alpha-hydroxy acids: indications
and results. 9.  Alpha-hydroxy acids: application as cosmetics and as peels.  10. Alpha-hydroxy acids: side-effects of AHAs.  11. Alpha-hydroxy acids: a new slowrelease
AHA complex with no neutralization required. 12.  Trichloroacetic acid: general
information, toxicity, formulations and histology. 13.  Trichloroacetic acid: indications and contraindications. 14.  Trichloroacetic acid: classic semiology. 15.  Easy TCA®: basic protocol and skin aging. 16.  Treating melasma, chloasma and post-inflammatory
hyperpigmentation. 17.  Treating acne. 18.  Treating multiple keratoses on the scalp. 19.  Treating aging of the hands and forearms. 20.  Treating the neck and décolletage. 21. Stretch marks and scars: dermabrasion and peeling. 22.  Actinic keratoses and lentigines. 23.  Trichloroacetic acid to the papillary dermis: Unideep®. 24.  Resorcinol: Unna’s paste/Jessner’s solution. 25.  Phenol: chemistry, formulations and adjuvants. 26.  Phenol: properties and histology. 27.  Phenol: skin penetration and detoxification. 28.  Toxicity of phenol: causes, prevention and treatment. 29.  Phenol: choice of peel and combination treatments. 30 Phenol: indications. 31.  Phenol: contraindications, precautions and safety. 32.  Phenol: pre-peel preparation. 33.  Full-face phenol: nerve block anesthesia and/or sedation.  34.  Full-face phenol: application. 35.  Phenol: post-peel care. 36.  Phenol: chemical blepharoplasty and cheiloplasty. 37.  Complications of chemical peels. 38.  Combination of techniques.


ISBN-13: 9781841844954
Publisher: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press)
Publication date: February, 2007
Pages: 400
Weight: 1791g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Dermatology, Plastic/Reconstructive & Aesthetic
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Average Rating 

"Several textbooks on the subject already exist. I suspect that this one will flourish - hopefully into many editions - as it is extremely well put together, balancing theory and execution. Even the basic pharmaceutical chemistry that is often missing in articles is clearly presented."  - Dr Howard Maibach, American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, Vol 8: 4