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Sleep Disorders in Women - from Menarche Through Pregnancy to Menopause
A Guide for Practical Management
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Main description:

This multidisciplinary review of all aspects of sleep disorders in women at different stages of life emphasizes the unique impact that each reproductive and endocrine stage has on both normal sleep and sleep disorders. The authors share their expert knowledge and experience in treating insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, restless leg syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea in adolescent, premenopausal, pregnant, and menopausal patients. In addition to summarizing the latest, cutting-edge research in a succinct and clinically relevant manner, the authors also help physicians recognize the symptom patterns of sleep disorders in their female patients and offer guidance on diagnosing and treating them in a timely fashion.


Part I. Overview Introduction Hrayr P. Attarian Epidemiology of Sleep Disorders in Women Hrayr P. Attarian Workup of Female Patients With Sleep Complaints: A Guide for Mid-Level Health Care Providers Diana Monaghan The Impact of Life Cycle on Sleep in Women Margaret Moline, Lauren Broch, and Rochelle Zak Normal Reproductive and Endocrine Life Stages and Their Impact on Different Sleep Disorders Rochelle Goldberg Part II. Adolescents Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome in Adolescents John Garcia Defining, Assessing, and Treating Adolescent Insomnia and Related Sleep Problems Amy R. Wolfson, Alison Quinn, and Anna Vannucci Part III. Premenopausal Women Restless Legs Syndrome: An Overview With an Emphasis on Women David M. Hiestand and Barbara Phillips Nonhormonal Treatments for Insomnia Catherine C. Schuman Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome in Premenopausal Women Kanika Bagai and Beth A. Malow Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Mira Aubuchon Women and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Hrayr P. Attarian Parasomnias From a Woman's Health Perspective Carlos H. Schenck and Mark W. Mahowald Part IV. Pregnancy Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnancy Keith J. Nagle Evaluating Insomnia During Pregnancy and Postpartum Kathryn A. Lee and Aaron B. Caughey Pregnancy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Helena Schotland Part V. Menopause Restless Legs Syndrome and Menopause Nancy S. Collins Insomnia During Menopause: Sleep Laboratory Studies on Insomnia Associated With Postmenopausal Syndrome and Hormone Replacement Therapy Gerda Saletu-Zyhlarz, Peter Anderer, Georg Gruber, Markus Metka, Johannes Huber, Elisabeth Gratzhofer, and Bernd Saletu Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Menopause Grace Pien and Sigrid Veasey Index


ISBN-13: 9781588295927
Publisher: Springer (Humana Press Inc.)
Publication date: April, 2006
Pages: 286
Dimensions: 155.00 x 235.00 x 17.00
Weight: 582g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Neurology


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