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Main description:

This long-awaited revision of the widely used classic text, first published as "Midwifery" by the late Pauline McCall Sellers, is a comprehensive textbook that covers every conceivable aspect of midwifery. It is relevant for use in southern African and other developing regions, updated and in line with the International Council of Midwives and International Council of Nursing guidelines and standards, and is fully updated and revised to deal with HIV/Aids in pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum care. Basic aspects that have guided this edition include: 'skilled attendance' making the book accessible for any health professional as described by WHO (nurses, midwives and doctors); the Saving Mothers and Babies reports in South Africa; international developments within the ICN and ICM, and the newly developed World Health Organisation: Partnership for Africa for maternal, new-born and child care (2008) attention to obstetric emergency care aspects, and focus on nutrition and pharmacology in obstetrics by nutritionists and pharmacologists.


History of midwifery in South Africa; Maternal & perinatal mortality; Midwifery practice & care; Maternal & new-born healthcare in South Africa; Female organs of reproduction; Hormonal control & the menstrual cycle; Genetics, gamatogenesis, fertilisation, placental development & embryology; P's of labour: Passage, passenger & powers; Breast & lactation; Psychology of pregnancy & childbirth; Childbirth & the father; Mother/child relationship; Mental health, gender based violence & loss & grief; Physiology of pregnancy; Signs & symptoms & diagnosis of pregnancy (special tests); Evidenced based care; Assessment diagnosis & treatment in pregnancy; Childbirth education; Common disorders in pregnancy; Complications in pregnancy; Birth process including all the physiology of stages of labour; Management & care of the first stage of labour; Pain management & comfort in labour; Management & care of the second & third stage of labour; Management & care of the fourth stage of labour including care of the new-born Complications of labour; Pre-term birth; Obstetric emergencies; Obstetric intervention; The physiology of the puerperium; Management & care in the puerperium; Feeding of the baby; Complications of the post natal period; The physiology, abilities, characteristics & needs of the new-born; Assessment & care of the neonate; Disorders of maturation, growth & development; Common disorders & abnormalities of the neonate; Infections & jaundice; Congenital abnormalities; Respiratory disorders; Birth trauma; Metabolic disorders; Transportation of the pregnant woman & new-born; Family planning; Perinatal & other obstetric infections; PMTC HIV/AIDS; Nutrition in childbirth; Drugs used in obstetrics.


ISBN-13: 9780702180569
Publisher: Juta Legal and Academic Publishers
Publication date: May, 2011
Pages: 1200
Weight: 2120g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Midwifery


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