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SaplingPlus for Genetic Essentials (12 Month Access Card)
Concepts and Connections
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Main description:

This is the access card only, does not include textbook.

Genetic Essentials is available with SaplingPlus. Proven effective at raising students' comprehension and problem-solving skills and recently updated with hundreds of additional questions, Sapling Learning's innovative online homework for genetics offers immediate individualised feedback, effective course management and industry leading peer to peer support.

Sapling Learning's innovative online homework for Genetic Essentials offers:

Immediate, Individualized Feedback

Each student gets the guidance they need when they need it

Efficient Course Management

Automatic grading, tracking, and analytics helps instructors save time and tailor assignments to student needs

Industry-Leading Peer-to-Peer Support

Each instructor is paired with a Client Success Specialist-a fully trained PhD or Masters level colleague ready to help with everything from quizzes and assignments to syllabus planning and tech support


1. Introduction to Genetics.- 2. Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction.- 3. Basic Principles of Heredity.- 4. Extensions and Modifications of Basic Principles.- 5. Linkage, Recombination, and Eukaryotic Gene Mapping.- 6. Chromosome Variation.- 7. Bacterial and Viral Genetic Systems.- 8. DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene.- 9. DNA Replication and Recombination.- 10. From DNA to Proteins: Transcription and RNA Processing.- 11. From DNA to Proteins: Translation.- 12. Control of Gene Expression.- 13. Gene Mutations, Transposable Elements, and DNA Repair.- 14. Molecular Genetic Analysis and Biotechnology.- 15. Genomics and Proteomics.- 16. Cancer Genetics.- 17. Quantitative Genetics.- 18. Population and Evolutionary Genetics.


ISBN-13: 9781319213725
Publisher: W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd
Publication date: July, 2018
Pages: None
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Genetics


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