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Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations - Managing Successful Projects
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Implement change that fosters sustainable growth and better patient care Health care projects depend on astute management of change. But more than anything else, they depend on leaders who pay attention, who understand the importance of starting right, and who know how to launch projects that succeed. If leaders can increase the percentage of successful projects, patients, and practitioners everywhere will be better off and so will the organizations that depend on these projects for innovation. In Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations: Managing Successful Projects. Author David A. Shore of the Harvard School of Public Health speaks directly to the health care leaders and managers who see the need for change, but keep encountering nearly insurmountable challenges. Through his research, Shore discovered that most implementation failures occur because of a poor launch, and that strengthening processes and operations during the early weeks of a new project is a key to continued success.
The book covers issues like: * The preliminary groundwork that cultivates a stronger launch * Systematic and selective project selection * Building the team that accomplishes change * Skill-building and record-keeping systems that foster sustainable growth Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations gives leaders and managers the practical, easy-to-implement ideas and methodologies to start and manage projects successfully.


List of Figures and Tables ix Preface xi Acknowledgments xvii The Author xix PART 1 Changing Health Care 1 Introduction: The Need for Change 2 Chapter 1: How Organizations Can Really Change 7 A Better Approach 9 From Projects to Change Events 14 Chapter 2: Criteria for an Initiative s Success 19 Failure Rates 20 Doing the Right Thing Right 21 Appropriate Measures of Success 24 Careful Management of Risk 26 Chapter 3: Planning: Seeds of Success and Failure 31 A Time for Planning 32 Learning from Failure 35 PART 2 Select the Right Projects 41 Introduction: The Crowded Runway 42 Chapter 4: Identifying and Creating the Right Initiatives 47 Change Initiatives as Strategic Planning 48 Where Good Project Ideas Originate 53 Developing Project Concepts 55 Chapter 5: Selecting, Prioritizing, and Monitoring Change Initiatives 61 The Project and Portfolio Management Review Board 63 Criteria for Project Selection 66 Prioritizing Projects 72 Monitoring Projects 78 PART 3 Choose the Right People 83 Introduction: How Important Are Decisions about People? 84 Chapter 6: What You Are Looking For 89 Hard and Soft Skills 91 Crucial Conversations 94 Emotional Intelligence 98 Trust 100 Chapter 7: Assembling the Individuals for a Change Event 107 Dunbar s Number for Change Teams 108 The Right Mixtures of People 110 Roles on the Team 113 The Right Number of Projects 120 The Project Management Human Capital Inventory 122 Do People Make a Team? 122 Chapter 8: Converting Individuals into a Project Implementation Team 125 Onboarding a Group 125 Beginning the Onboarding Process: Day Zero 127 The Next Step: Day One 128 Decisions and Tracking 130 Passion and Enthusiasm 132 Alignment 134 Trust 135 Chapter 9: The First Mile and Beyond 139 Index 145


ISBN-13: 9781118099148
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd (John Wiley & Sons Inc)
Publication date: August, 2014
Pages: 320
Weight: 350g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice, Public Health
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