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Handbook of Interpersonal Commitment and Relationship Stability
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A fundamental assumption underlying the formation of our most important relationships is that they will persist indefinitely into the future. As an acquaintanceship turns into a friend ship, for example, both members of this newly formed interpersonal bond are likely to expect that their interactions will become increasingly frequent, diverse, and intimate over time. This expectation is perhaps most apparent in romantically involved couples who, through a variety of verbal and symbolic means, make explicit pledges to a long-lasting relationship. In either case, it is clear that these relationships represent something valuable to the individuals in volved and are pursued with great enthusiasm. Virtually all close relationships are formed within the context of mutually rewarding in teractions and/or strong physical attraction between partners. Friends and romantically in volved couples alike are drawn to one another because of similarity of attitudes, interests, and personality and, quite simply, because they enjoy one another's company. This enjoyment, cou pled with the novelty that characterizes new relationships, almost makes the continuation of the relationship a foregone conclusion. As relationships progress, however, their novelty fades, conflicts may arise between partners, negative life events may occur, and the satisfaction that previously characterized the relationships may diminish.


I: Introduction. 1. Interpersonal Commitment in Historical Perspective; J.M. Adams, W.H. Jones. II: Conceptualization and Measurement of Interpersonal Commitment. 2. Duty toward Whom? Reconsidering Attractions and Barriers as Determinants of Commitment in a Relationship; G. Levinger. 3. Conceiving Couple Commitment: Choice, Promise, and Fulfillment; P.K. Wyatt. 4. Personal, Moral, and Structural Commitment to Relationships: Experiences of Choice and Constraint; M.P. Johnson. III: The Development of Interpersonal Commitment. 5. Interpersonal Experience in Infancy as a Foundation for the Capacity in Adults for Stable Relationships; M.G. Lundeen. 6. Attachment Processes and Commitment to Romantic Relationships; H.J. Morgan, P.R. Shaver. 7. The Development of Commitment to Marriage: A Phenomenological Approach; C.A. Surra, D.K. Hughes, S.E. Jacquet. 8. Commitment in the Early Years of Marriage; J. Veroff. IV: Basic Commitment Processes in Relationships. 9. The Dynamics of Interpersonal Commitment and the Issue of Salience; J.M. Adams, J.S. Spain. 10. Marital Commitment and Family Life Transitions: A Social Exchange Perspective on the Construction and Deconstruction of Intimate Relationships; R.M. Sabatelli. 11. Commitment and Adversity: A Reciprocal Relation; J. Lydon. 12. The Relationship of Exchange and Commitment; B.I. Murstein. 13. What Attachment Styles and Love Styles Add to the Understanding of Commitment and Relationship Stability; K.E. Davis. 14. Interpersonal Commitments: The Interplay of Social Networks and IndividualIdentities; R.K. Leik, T.J. Owens, I. Tallman. V: Commitment within Diverse Populations. 15. Stability and Commitment in Friendships; B. Fehr. 16. The Bereavement Experience: Continuing Commitment after the Loss of a Loved One; R.O. Hansson, J.O. Berry, M.E. Berry. 17. Examples of Commitment in Postdivorce Relationships between Ex-Spouses; C. Masheter. 18. Levels and Styles of Commitment in Marriage: The Case of Asian Indian Immigrants; R.N. Singh, M. Kanjirathinkal. 19. Commitment and Sexual Behaviors in Adolescent Dating Relationships; S.S. Rostosky, D.P. Welsh, M.C. Kawaguchi, R.V. Galliher. 20. The Constraints of Innovation: Commitment and Stability among Same-Sex Couples; D.G. Patterson, T. Ciabattari, P. Schwartz. VI: Clinical Issues and Applications. 21. Perceived Partner Commitment and Attachment Style: Clinical Implications of a Cognitive Perspective; J.L. Etherton, S.R.H. Beach. 22. Using What We Know: Commitment and Cognitions in Marital Therapy; S.M. Stanley, W.C. Lobitz, F.C. Dickson. 23. Dominant Discourse in Heterosexual Relationships: Inhibitors or Facilitators of Interpersonal Commitment and Relationship Stability? L.A. Gilbert, S.J. Walker. 24. Communication Processes in Marital Commitment: An Integrative Approach; D.S. Ballard-Reisch, D.J. Weigel. VII: Related Constructs. 25. Commitment and Trust in Close Relationships: An Interdependence Analysis; C.E. Rusbult, J. Weiselquist, C.A. Foster, B.S. Witcher. 26. Buffering the Effects of Betrayal: The Role of Apology, Forgiveness, and Commitment; L.L. Couch, W.H. Jones, D.S. Moore. 27. Jealo


ISBN-13: 9781461371618
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: October, 2012
Pages: 536
Weight: 1045g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Psychology
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