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Food Safety = Behavior
30 Proven Techniques to Enhance Employee Compliance
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This book helps in Achieving food safety success which requires going beyond traditional training, testing, and inspectional approaches to managing risks. It requires a better understanding of the human dimensions of food safety. In the field of food safety today, much is documented about specific microbes, time/temperature processes, post-process contamination, and HACCP-things often called the hard sciences. There is not much published or discussed related to human behavior-often referred to as the "soft stuff." However, looking at foodborne disease trends over the past few decades and published regulatory out-of-compliance rates of food safety risk factors, it's clear that the soft stuff is still the hard stuff. Despite the fact that thousands of employees have been trained in food safety around the world, millions have been spent globally on food safety research, and countless inspections and tests have been performed at home and abroad, food safety remains a significant public health challenge. Why is that? Because to improve food safety, we must realize that it's more than just food science; it's the behavioral sciences, too. In fact, simply put, food safety equals behavior. This is the fundamental principle of this book. If you are trying to improve the food safety performance of a retail or food service establishment, an organization with thousands of employees, or a local community, what you are really trying to do is change people's behavior. The ability to influence human behavior is well documented in the behavioral and social sciences. However, significant contributions to the scientific literature in the field of food safety are noticeably absent. This book will help advance the science by being the first significant collection of 50 proven behavioral science techniques, and be the first to show how these techniques can be applied to enhance employee compliance with desired food safety behaviors and make food safety the social norm in any organization.


Chapter 1: 48 Million Verses One

Chapter 2: Getting Your Foot in the Door for Food Safety

Chapter 3: Enclothed Food Safety?

Chapter 4: Does What You See Influence What You Do?

Chapter 5: Priming the Pump for Enhanced Food Safety

Chapter 6: Influence Values to Change Attitudes

Chapter 7: Broken Windows and Food Safety

Chapter 8: Learning from the Right Way or Wrong Way?

Chapter 9: Make Food Safety the Social Norm

Chapter 10: Shining a Light on Food Safety

Chapter 11: What Nouns, Verbs, & Voting Can Teach Us About Food Safety

Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather Might Influence Food Safety for Better

Chapter 13: Keep Food Safety in Mind by Making It Rhyme

Chapter 14: Making Scents of Food Safety

Chapter 15: Font Style & Food Safety

Chapter 16: Can SOPs Actually Hinder Food Safety?

Chapter 17: Which One is Better, Written or Verbal?

Chapter 18: Three Degrees of Food Safety

Chapter 19: Food Safety @ the Speed of Thought

Chapter 20: Do Text Based Warning Labels Work?

Chapter 21: Enhancing Food Safety by Melody

Chapter 22: Can the Words We Use Influence Risk Perception?

Chapter 23: Don't Be a Food Safety Bystander

Chapter 24: To Checklist or Not to Checklist?

Chapter 25: The Most Powerful Word in Food Safety

Chapter 26: Food Safety in Mind through Building Design

Chapter 27: Does How You Make a Food Safety Request Matter?

Chapter 28: Is the Sum of Food Safety Efforts Greater Than In Parts?

Chapter 29: Making Food Safety Fun

Chapter 30: Role Modeling Food Safety


ISBN-13: 9781493924882
Publisher: Springer (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.)
Publication date: May, 2016
Pages: 90
Weight: 3259g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: Public Health
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