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Disabled Children Living Away from Home in Foster Care and Residential Settings
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Main description:

Disabled children who are unable to live at home are doubly needy: in addition to their disability, they are deprived of normal family life. Children who do not grow up in a stable, nurturing environment are unlikely to achieve their potential. Moreover, disabled children often have complex medical problems. Disabled children living away from home are often involved with many different professionals: although individually these professionals may provide appropriate support, the sum of their efforts rarely adds up to the actions of a good parent. The book considers the key issues that must be addressed when disabled children move from the family home to new accommodation. It provides insights into the difficulties that these children face and looks at how the standards of care that they receive might be improved. It also makes suggestions about how professionals might work more effectively with each other and with the children′s care–givers.


1. Disabled children: pathways to care (Jennifer Cousins).

2. Invisibility, disability and the problems of public care (Mary Mather).

3. Disabled children living away from home in the care system: coordinating medical and health services (Heather Payne).

4. Health promotion and health assessments for Looked–After children: the role of the clinical nurse specialist for Looked–After children (Maraline Jones).

5. Emotional and developmental issues for disabled children who live away from home (Annette Hames).

6. Management of Emotional and Behavioural Problems (Tom Berney).

7. Disabled Children in Foster Care: a review of interventions that improve health outcomes for children and support carers (Thomas Kus and Heather Payne).

8. Eduation s contribution to a holistic approach (Mike Searle and Allen Baynes).

9. Finding out what disabled children with communication impairments want (Catherine Baines).

10. Child Protection (Pat Cawson).

11. Children with special health care needs in foster care in the United States (Moira Szilagyi).


ISBN-13: 9781898683582
Publisher: Mac Keith Press (MacKeith Press)
Publication date: January, 2009
Pages: 144
Dimensions: 174.00 x 241.00 x 8.58
Weight: 372g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Public Health


Claire Burns (Consultant Community Paediatrician, Ounsted Clinic, Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Oxford, OX3 7LJ)


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