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Advanced Man-Machine Interaction
Fundamentals and Implementation
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Main description:

Man-machine interaction is the gateway providing access to functions and services, which, due to the ever increasing complexity of smart systems, threatens to become a bottleneck. This book therefore introduces not only advanced interfacing concepts, but also gives insight into the related theoretical background.This refers mainly to the realization of video-based multimodal interaction via gesture, mimics, and speech, but also to interacting with virtual object in virtual environments, cooperating with local or remote robots, and user assistance.

While most publications in the field of human factors engineering focus on interface design, this book puts special emphasis on implementation aspects. To this end it is accompanied by software development environments for image processing, classification, and virtual environment implementation. In addition a test data base is included for gestures, head pose, facial expressions, full-body person recognition, and people tracking. These data are used for the examples throughout the book, but are also meant to encourage the reader to start experimentation on his own.

Thus the book may serve as a self-contained introduction both for researchers and developers of man-machine interfaces. It may also be used for graduate-level university courses.


The authors describe the implementation of modern features of man-machine interfaces

They offer design guidelines, case studies and they discuss the algorithms for the implementation

Two easy-to-handle software development environments offer access to extensive public domain software for computer vision, classification, and virtual reality

Back cover:

Man-machine interaction is the gateway providing access to functions and services, which, due to the ever increasing complexity of smart systems, threatens to become a bottleneck. This book therefore introduces not only advanced interfacing concepts, but also gives insight into the related theoretical background.This refers mainly to the realization of video-based multimodal interaction via gesture, mimics, and speech, but also to interacting with virtual object in virtual environments, cooperating with local or remote robots, and user assistance.

While most publications in the field of human factors engineering focus on interface design, this book puts special emphasis on implementation aspects. To this end it is accompanied by software development environments for image processing, classification, and virtual environment implementation. In addition a test data base is included for gestures, head pose, facial expressions, full-body person recognition, and people tracking. These data are used for the examples throughout the book, but are also meant to encourage the reader to start experimentation on his own.

Thus the book may serve as a self-contained introduction both for researchers and developers of man-machine interfaces. It may also be used for graduate-level university courses.


1 Introduction (Kraiss) 2 Non-intrusive Acquisition of Human Action (Canzler, Zieren) 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Hand Gesture Commands 2.3 Facial expressions commands 2.4 Examples 3 Sign Language Recognition (Bauer, Canzler, Kraiss, Zieren) 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Recognition of Isolated Signs 3.3 Recognition using manual and nonmanual features 3.4 Recognition of continuous sign language using subunits 4 Speech communication and multimodal interfaces (Rigoll) 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Speech recognition 4.3 Speech dialogs 4.4 Multimodal interaction 4.5 Emotions from speech and gesture 4.6 Exercises / Case studies 5 Supervision and Biometric Access (Haehnel, Fillbrandt, Schmidt) 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Tracking People 5.3 Multimodal Person Recognition 5.4 Signature Verification 6 Interacting in virtual and augmented reality (Kuhlen) 6.1 Introduction 6.2 3D User Interfaces: Output 6.3 3D User Interfaces: Input 6.4 Deformable Virtual Objects 6.5 Virtual humanoids, faces, and emotions 6.6 Implementing virtual environments 6.7 Implementing augmented reality 6.8 Case studies 7 Interactive and cooperative robot assistants (Dillmann) 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Advanced robotics hard- and software 7.3 Mobile and humanoid robots 7.4 Teaching and commanding procedures 7.5 Task planning and exception handling 7.6 Intuitive interaction and cooperation 7.7 Telepresence and telerobotics 7.8 Exercises / Case studies 8 Assisted human action (Kraiss) 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Assisted manual control 8.3 Assisted dialog operation 8.4 Case studies APPENDICES A Public domain software environments A.1 LTI-Lib (Computer vision and classification) A.2 VISTA (Virtual and augmented reality) B Test data bases B.1 Head, faces, eye, lip templates B.2 Hand gestures, ambidextrous sign language sequences B.3 Speech templates B.4 Static and dynamic signature templates References CD: Software (Impressario) packages examples


ISBN-13: 9783540306184
Publisher: Springer (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Publication date: February, 2006
Pages: 461
Weight: 883g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Rehabilitation
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