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Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry
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Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry, Second Edition is a well-illustrated, user-friendly reference on veterinary laboratory diagnostic techniques and interpretation. Covering both hematology and chemistry for a wide range of species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, the book provides an overview of these critical veterinary skills. This Second Edition includes many revisions and additions, including new chapters on molecular diagnostics of hematologic malignancies and lipid pathology, updates to reflect advances in diagnostic instrumentation and capabilities, significant revisions to the data interpretation chapter to provide introductory guidance, and current information on immunodiagnostics and laboratory diagnostics of renal, endocrine, and calcium metabolic pathologies. Beginning with the basic principles of laboratory testing and diagnosis, the book moves into in-depth information on hematology and chemistry of common domestic and non-domestic species. Clinical case presentations, supplying case data and offering narrative discussions to promote skills, have been expanded and incorporated into the body of the book.
Packed with useful information for veterinary students, technicians, pathologists, and researchers, Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry is an essential addition to any veterinary library.


Contributors ix Preface x Preface to the First Edition xii Section I General Principles of Laboratory Testing and Diagnosis 1 1 Laboratory Technology for Veterinary Medicine 3 Glade Weiser 2 Sample Collection Processing and Analysis of Laboratory Service Options 34 Glade Weiser 3 Perspectives in Laboratory Data Interpretation and Disease Diagnosis 40 Glade Weiser and Robin W. Allison 4 Immunodiagnostics: Current Use and Future Trends in Veterinary Medicine 51 Wayne A. Jensen Section II Hematology of Common Domestic Species 59 5 Erythrocyte Morphology 61 Mary Anna Thrall 6 Classification of and Diagnostic Approach to Anemia 75 Mary Anna Thrall 7 Nonregenerative Anemia 81 Mary Anna Thrall 8 Regenerative Anemia 87 Mary Anna Thrall 9 Classification of and Diagnostic Approach to Polycythemia 114 Mary Anna Thrall 10 Introduction to Leukocytes and the Leukogram 118 Glade Weiser 11 Neutrophil Production Trafficking and Kinetics 123 Glade Weiser 12 Interpretation of Leukocyte Responses in Disease 127 Glade Weiser 13 Molecular Diagnostics of Hematologic Malignancies 140 Anne Avery 14 Laboratory Evaluation of Bone Marrow 150 Mary Anna Thrall and Glade Weiser 15 Lymphoproliferative Disorders and Myeloid Neoplasms 166 Mary Anna Thrall 16 Diagnosis of Disorders of Hemostasis 185 Dale C. Baker 17 Principles of Blood Transfusion and Crossmatching 205 Diane Brown and Linda M. Vap Section III Hematology of Common Nondomestic Mammals Birds Reptiles Fish and Amphibians 223 18 Mammalian Hematology: Laboratory Animals and Miscellaneous Species 225 Terry W. Campbell 19 Hematology of Birds 238 Terry W. Campbell 20 Hematology of Reptiles 277 Terry W. Campbell 21 Hematology of Fish 298 Terry W. Campbell 22 Hematology of Amphibians 313 Terry W. Campbell Section IV Clinical Chemistry of Common Domestic Species 321 23 Laboratory Evaluation and Interpretation of the Urinary System 323 Donald Meuten 24 Laboratory Evaluation of Electrolytes 378 Andrea A. Bohn 25 Laboratory Evaluation of Acid-Base Disorders 393 Glade Weiser 26 Laboratory Evaluation of the Liver 401 Robin W. Allison 27 Laboratory Evaluation of the Pancreas and Glucose Metabolism 425 Robin W. Allison 28 Laboratory Evaluation of Digestion and Intestinal Absorption 441 Dawn Seddon 29 Laboratory Evaluation of Plasma and Serum Proteins 460 Robin W. Allison 30 Laboratory Detection of Muscle Injury 476 Robin W. Allison 31 Laboratory Evaluation of Lipids 480 M. Judith Radin 32 Laboratory Evaluation of the Thyroid Adrenal and Pituitary Glands 497 Donald Meuten 33 Parathyroid Glands and Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolic Pathology 545 Donald Meuten Section V Clinical Chemistry of Common Nondomestic Mammals Birds Reptiles Fish and Amphibians 569 34 Chemical Chemistry of Mammals: Laboratory Animals and Miscellaneous Species 571 Terry W. Campbell 35 Clinical Chemistry of Birds 582 Terry W. Campbell 36 Clinical Chemistry of Reptiles 599 Terry W. Campbell 37 Clinical Chemistry of Fish and Amphibians 607 Terry W. Campbell Section VI Clinical Case Presentations 615 This section includes 74 cases with clinicopathologic data accompanied by an interpretive discussion and diagnostic summary. Index 750 Extra PowerPoint presentations available online at


ISBN-13: 9780813810270
Publisher: Iowa State University Press
Publication date: August, 2012
Pages: 776
Dimensions: 224.00 x 290.00 x 35.00
Weight: 2126g
Availability: Contact supplier
Subcategories: Veterinary Medicine
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