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The Epilepsies 3
Blue Books of Neurology Series, Volume 33
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Main description:

This title in the acclaimed Blue Books of Neurology series highlights advances in epileptology and new ways of managing seizure disorders. Contributors from around the world-most new to this volume-lend a global perspective and provide the latest thinking on the new and controversial issues surrounding epilepsy. You'll find detailed discussions of difficulties in diagnosing and treating epilepsy, including the latest pharmacologic management strategies. This book covers the entire range of issues in epilepsy from basic science research to current clinical issues to medical and surgical therapeutics. Find all you need on critical issues in treating epilepsy and seizure disorders.


1 Seizure Prediction: Its Evolution and Therapeutic Potential, David Krieger and Brian Litt

2 Febrile Seizures, Céline M. Dubé and Tallie Z. Baram

3 Mechanisms of Action of Levetiracetam and Newer SV2A Ligands, Henrik Klitgaard and Alain Matagne

4 Long-Term Effects of Seizures on Brain Structure and Function, Howard P. Goodkin and Edward H. Bertram

5 Dipole Source Modeling in Epilepsy: Contribution to Clinical Management, John S. Ebersole

6 EEG-correlated fMRI in Epilepsy: Current State of the Art, Rachel Thornton and Louis Lemieux

7 Epilepsy and Sleep, Soheyl Noachtar and Jan Rémi

8 Cortical Myoclonus and Epilepsy: Overlap and Differences, Renzo Guerrini and Francesco Mari

9 The Life-Threatening Epilepsies of Childhood and Their Treatment, Catherine Chiron

10 The Spectrum of Epilepsies Associated with Generalized Spike and Wave Patterns, Michael Koutroumanidis and Chrysostomos P. Panayiotopoulos

11 Epilepsies due to Monogenic Disorders of Metabolism, Chantal Depondt

12 Rasmussen's Encephalitis, Tiziana Granata and Carlo Antozzi

13 Seizures and Epilepsy in the Elderly, Anil Mendiratta and Timothy A. Pedley

14 Psychosis of Epilepsy, Andres M. Kanner

15 Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy, Fergus J Rugg-Gunn and Lina Nashef

16 The Management of Epilepsy in Pregnancy, Torbjörn Tomson and Dina Battino

17 Does Early Treatment Influence the Long-Term Outcome of Epilepsy?, A.G. Marson

18 Pharmacodynamic Interactions of Antiepileptic Drugs, Gail D. Anderson and Jong M. Rho

19 The Surgery of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy I - Historical Development, Patient Selection, and Seizure Outcome, Nicholas Moran and Simon Shorvon

20 The Surgery of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy II - Surgical Complications and Long-Term Adverse Effects, Simon Shorvon and Nicholas Moran

21 Brain Stimulation in Epilepsy - An Old Technique with a New Promise?, Kristl Vonck and Paul Boon



ISBN-13: 9781416061717
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders)
Publication date: December, 2008
Pages: 376
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Neurology
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