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Leadership and Management in Healthcare
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Main description:

This book looks at the management and leadership roles of the newly qualified nurse and other allied healthcare professionals. By focusing on the managerial competencies and skills nurses need to develop early on in their careers, it will help you to manage everyday practice. Chapters recognise the challenges facing newly qualified health professionals such as delivering patient care, managing resources and supporting the development of colleagues. They also look at management theory, decision-making and continuing professional development.Key features of this book include: links to key national agenda governing healthcare practice; relates theory to practice, encouraging self-aware and reflective practitioners; learning outcomes, chapter introductions and further reading; activities and think points to encourage skills analysis and critical reflection; and, relevant practice examples. The professional backgrounds of the authors in clinical practice, education and management mean that this is an engaging and authoritative text.
It will be ideal for all nursing and allied healthcare students, as well as qualified professionals who need a clear and engaging guide to the key issues, theories and practice skills needed for effective management and leadership in healthcare.


Organizing Daily Care within the Current Context of Healthcare Provision Managing Effectively: Theories, Roles, Styles Leadership in Practice Settings Decision-Making and Problem-Solving in Practice Settings Ensuring Quality in Healthcare Managing Change, Developments and Innovation in Healthcare Settings Managing Resources for Healthcare Delivery Strategies for Personal and Peer Support Patient Involvement, Participation and Partnership Uniprofessional, Interprofessional and Inter-Agency Team-Working Managing Learning in Practice Settings


ISBN-13: 9781412930178
Publisher: Sage Publications Limited (SAGE Publications Ltd)
Publication date: December, 2008
Pages: 248
Dimensions: 170.00 x 242.00 x 20.00
Weight: 567g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Nursing


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