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Journal Article Writing and Publication
Your Guide to Mastering Clinical Health Care Reporting Standards
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Main description:

The ability to demonstrate that a specific health care profession provides valuable and effective services that meet society's health needs is a major objective for all health care academicians and researchers. Demonstrating clinical effectiveness depends on the reporting of written research results through journal publication so that the health care community and larger society will be able to access and read evidence supporting health care services. Today, several clinical reporting standard guidelines have been created by researchers to enhance the ability of readers to evaluate the quality and value of studies. This book is the first to compile those clinical research reporting standards in one source and helps educators and novice researchers to better understand the skills needed for journal publication.

Health care researchers must begin using these reporting standards in order to write manuscripts that are both correctly formatted and transparently convey all critical study strengths and limitations. Educators must teach these reporting standards to students who must evaluate research reports as consumers and possible future contributors to the literature through their own writing.

Journal Article Writing and Publication provides specific guidelines, based on the most commonly accepted reporting standards, for the preparation and writing of general research studies, intervention effectiveness studies, instrument development and testing studies, and case reports. A section is devoted to helping authors understand the rules governing the reporting of statistical data in text and tables. Separate sections help authors understand the manuscript preparation and submission process, the revision process, and the etiquette guiding communication with editors and reviewers. Guidelines for the preparation of scholarly discussion papers and editorials are also provided.

Journal Article Writing and Publication also features a section that aims to help doctoral students and newly minted faculty turn academic work and dissertations into publishable journal articles. Suggestions are provided to help clinicians turn clinical data into research databases that could serve as the foundation for pilot studies. Finally, information is provided to help authors better understand the ethical considerations of publication including plagiarism, dual submissions, inappropriate authorship, copyright, and conflict of interest.



About the Author

Chapter 1 Introduction: The Importance of Writing to Advance Your Career

and Profession

Chapter 2 Writing Resources-Mentors, Writing Partners, and Self-Discipline

Chapter 3 Manuscript Structure and Content for General Research Studies

Chapter 4 Manuscript Structure and Content for Intervention Effectiveness Studies

Chapter 5 Manuscript Structure and Content for Instrument Development

and Testing Studies

Chapter 6 Manuscript Structure and Content for Case Reports

Chapter 7 Reporting Statistical Data in Text and Tables

Chapter 8 Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts for Publication

Chapter 9 The Revision Process

Chapter 10 Writing a Scholarly Discussion Paper

Chapter 11 Turning Academic and Clinical Work Into Publishable Journal Articles

Chapter 12 Ethical Considerations in Publication



ISBN-13: 9781630913342
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: September, 2016
Pages: 150
Weight: 431g
Availability: Available
Subcategories: General Practice, Occupational Therapy


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