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Ion/Molecule Attachment Reactions: Mass Spectrometry
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Main description:

This book explores the mechanism of alkali-metal ion/molecule association reaction, surveys the instrumental basis to study its kinetic, and describes the instrumentation to the measurement of alkali-metal ion affinities. The applications of the ion complexation mechanism in the condensed phase in reaction to direct analysis MS are also covered. Other topics include mechanism and reaction rate, experimental and theoretical ion affinities, applications of ion attachment reactions (IAR) to mass spectrometry such as alkali ion CIMS, ion attachment MS and cationization mass spectrometry of ESI, FAB, FD, LD, MALDI and SIMS and topics of IAR-based direct analysis mass spectrometry.


Covers the latest research on IAR-based direct analysis mass spectrometry, mechanism and reaction rates and experimental and theoretical ion affinities

Broadens readers’ understanding of instrumentation drift tubes, SIFT, flowing afterglow, FTICR and ion traps

Reviews exhaustively alkali metal ion affinities and ion attachment MS and cationization mass spectrometry of ESI, FAB, FD, LD, MALDI and SIMS

Back cover:

This book explores the mechanism of the alkali-metal ion/molecule association reaction, surveys the instrumental basis to study its kinetic, and describes the instrumentation to the measurement of alkali-metal ion affinities. The applications of the ion complexation mechanism in the condensed phase in reaction to direct analysis MS are also covered. Other topics include mechanism and reaction rates, experimental and theoretical ion affinities, applications of ion attachment reactions (IAR) to mass spectrometry such as alkali ion CIMS, and IAR-based direct analysis mass spectrometry. This book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in the fields of spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and analytical  chemistry.

This book also:

·         Covers the latest research on IAR-based direct analysis mass spectrometry, mechanism and reaction rates, and experimental and theoretical ion affinities

·         Broadens readers’ understanding of instrumentation drift tubes, SIFT, flowing afterglow, FTICR, and ion traps

·         Reviews exhaustively alkali metal ion affinities and ion attachment MS and cationization mass spectrometry of ESI, FAB, FD, LD, MALDI, and SIMS


-1 Introduction

-2 Fundamentals of Ion Chemistry

-3 A theoretical Approach on ion-molecule complexation'

-4 Experimental Methods and Instrumentation

-5 Applications of Association Reactions in the Gas

-6 Hybrid System with Ion Attachment Techniques

-7 Cationization mass spectrometry for condensed-phase samples

-8 Direct Analysis Mass Spectrometry

-9 Summary and perspectives


ISBN-13: 9781489975874
Publisher: Springer (Springer US)
Publication date: August, 2015
Pages: 184
Weight: 701g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Issues


Toshihiro Fujii received both his BSc and his PhD in inorganic chemistry from Kyoto University, Japan. In 1974, he joined the National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan), where he was the Deputy Director of the Environmental Chemistry Division. He also was a Director Associate at Canon ANELVA Corporation, Visiting Professor at Tokyo Science University, at the University of Warwick (UK), at Ecole Normale Superiere (France) and Polytechnique (France) and Guest Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University. From 2005, he worked at Meisei University as a Full Professor and he was in charge of Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry. He retired March 2012. He is now director associate at C & V Technix Co., Ltd.


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