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Expert Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online Features, Print, and DVD, 2-Volume Set
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Main description:

Recent dramatic advances in diagnosis, as well as medical and surgical treatment, mean that you can offer your glaucoma patients more timely and effective interventions. This brand-new clinical reference delivers the comprehensive, expert guidance you need to make optimal use of these new, in print, and on video on DVD! Get in-depth guidance on all aspects of adult and pediatric glaucoma with one volume devoted to diagnosis and medical treatment, and another that focuses on surgical techniques.


Vol. 1: Medical Diagnosis and Therapy

Section 1 Glaucoma in the World

1 Prevalence and Geographic Variations
Winnie Nolan & Jennifer Yip
2 Screening for Glaucoma
Paul Healey
3 Economics of Glaucoma Care
Paul Lee
4 Practical Application of Glaucoma Care in Different Societies
Alan Robin, Donald Budenz, Nathan Congdon & Ravilla Thulasiraj

Section 2 Pathogenesis

5 Pathogenesis of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy
James Morgan
6 Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Intraocular Pressure Elevation
Carol Toris
7 Mechanical Stress and Restructuring of the Optic Nerve Head
Crawford Downs, Michael Roberts & Claude Burgoyne
8 Role of Vascular Blood Flow in Pathogenesis
Mark Lesk & Ali Hafez

Section 3 Diagnosis of Glaucoma

9 Tonometry and IOP fluctuation
Ted Garway-Heath, Aachal Kotecha & Sheng Lim
10 Visual Fields (Goldman, Humphrey, Other)
David Crabb
11 Function Specific Perimetry
Felipe Medeiros & Luciana M. Alenca
12 Electrophysiological testing
Stuart Graham & Brad Fortune
13 Gonioscopy
John Salmon
14 UBM
Giorgio Marchini, Roberto Tosi & Piero Ceruti
15 Anterior Segment Imaging
Winnie Nolan & Gus Gazzard
16 Impact of Central Corneal Thickness and Corneal Biomechanics on Tonometry
James Brandt, Cynthia Roberts, Mark Sherwood & Clinton Sheets
17 Disc Stereo Photography
Jost Jonas
18 Optic Disc Imaging
Linda Zangwill, Christopher Bowd & Felipe Medeiros
19 RNFL Photography and Computer Analysis
Neil Choplin
20 Structure and Function Relationships in Glaucoma
Marcelo Nicolela, Lesya Shuba & Bettina Windisch
21 Blood Flow Measurement Techniques
Mark Lesk & Ali Hafez
22 Genetics
Rand Allingham & Mohammed elMallah
23 Genetic Epidemiology
Ananth Viswanathan, Leonieke van Koolwijk, Catey Bunce

Section 4 Types of Glaucoma

24 Definitions - What is Glaucoma Worldwide?
George Spaeth
25 Ocular Hypertension
Michael Kass & Thad Labbe
26 Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
Robert Fechtner & Albert Khouri
27 Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
Paul Foster & Sancy Low
28 Exfoliation Syndrome and Exfoliative Glaucoma
Robert Ritch, Tasos Konstas & Ursula Schlötzer-Schrehardt
29 Pigmentary Glaucoma
Stefano Gandolfi, Nicola Ungaro, Paolo Mora & Chiara Sangermani
30 Normal Tension Glaucoma
Ted Krupin & Angelo Tanna
31 Congenital Glaucoma and other Childhood Glaucomas
Allen Beck & Camille Hylton
32 Secondary Angle Closure Glaucomas
Jeff Liebermann, Syril Dorairaj & Robert Ritch
33 Uveitic Glaucoma
Keith Barton & Avinash Kulkarni
34 Neovascular Glaucoma
Annapurna Singh, Danny Kim & Arun Singh
35 Other Secondary Glaucomas
Jody Piltz-Seymour & Tara Uhler
36 Post-traumatic Glaucomas
Jay Katz, Sheila Bazzaz & Jonathan Myers
37 Glaucoma Related to Tumors
Arun Singh, Annapurna Singh & Kathryn Bollinger

Section 5 Principles of Management

38 Principles of Management of Open Angle Glaucoma
Roger A Hitchings
39 Overview of Angle Closure Management
Chaiwat Teekhasaenee
40 Target IOP
Nitin Anand
41 Quality of Life
Alexander Spratt, Ananth Viswanathan & Aachal Kotecha
42 Optimizing Quality of Life - Low-vision Rehabilitation in Glaucoma
Jill Keeffe
43 Adherence and Persistence
Gail Schwartz
44 Outcomes
Ivan Goldberg & Ridia Lim
45 Risk Versus Benefit
Ravi Thomas & Rajul Parikh

Section 6 Medical Therapy

46 Parasympathomimetics
Lineu Shiroma & Vital Costa
47 Beta-blockers
Ann Hoste
48 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Gábor Holló
49 Alpha Agonists
Adam Reynolds
50 Prostagladin Analogs
Norbert Pfeiffer & Hagen Thieme
51 Fixed Combination Therapy in Glaucoma
Tasos Konstas, Dimitrios Mikropoulos & William C Stewart

Section 7 New Horizons

52 Neuroprotection / Neurogeneration
Len Levin
53 Interpreting Clinical Studies on Neuroprotection
Robert Weinreb & Anne L Coleman
54 Stem Cells
Thomas V Johnson, Natalie D Bull & Keith Martin
55 Gene Therapy
Stuart McKinnon
56 Ultrastructural Imaging
Aachal Kotecha & Fred Fitzke

Section 8 Emergency Care Management

57 Acute Intraocular Pressure Rise
Prin RojanaPongpun
58 Trauma / Hyphema
Bahaa Nouredine & Karim Tomey

Vol. 2: Surgical Management

Section 9 Introduction

59 Economics of Surgery Worldwide
Developed Countries - Anja Tuulonen
Developing Countries - Boateng Wiafe
60 When to Perform Glaucoma Surgery
George Cioffi & Michael Van Buskirk
61 Lowering IOP: Surgery Versus Medications
Clive Migdal
62 Surgical Anatomy
Ernst Tamm

Section 10 Laser Therapy

63 Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty
Eve Higginbotham & Ijeoma Asota
64 Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
Celso Tello, Syril Dorairaj, Jeffrey M Liebmann & Robert Ritch
65 Peripheral Iridectomy
Dennis Lam, Clement Tham & Nathan Congdon
66 Laser Iridoplasty
Chaiwat Teekhasaenee

Section 11

67 Preoperative Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach
Thierry Zeyen & Ingeborg Stalmans
68 Preoperative Conjunctival Health and Trabeculectomy Outcome
David Broadway & Matthew Hawker
69 Anesthesia
Doug Rhee & Meenakashi Gupta
70 Technique
Ron Fellman
71 Alternative Techniques
Fabian Lerner
72 Ex-PRESS Implant
Eli Dahan & Andre Mermoud
73 Intraoperative Complications
Rajendra Bansal, Daniel Casper & James Tsai
74 Early Post-operative Increase in IOP
Pratap Challa
75 Shallow AC
Anil Mandal
76 Choroidal Effusions and Hemorrhage
David Greenfield & Carolyn Quinn
77 Corneal Epitheliopathy
Fathi el Sayyad & Magdy A Nofal
78 Aqueous Misdirection
Steve Gedde & Pradeep Ramulu
79 Tenons Cyst Formation
Tony Wells
80 Wound Healing After Trabeculectomy and Bleb Evaluation
Tony Wells, Tina Wong & Jonathan Crowston
81 Late Bleb Leaks
Jacob Wilensky
82 Blebitis and Endophthalmitis
Peter Shah, Mark Chiang & Graham Lee
83 Late Hypotony
John Thygesen
84 Cataract following trabeculectomy
Alain Bron

Section 12 Non-Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery

85 Principle and Mechanism of Function
Ivan Haefliger & Rafael V Mérula
86 Deep Sclerectomy
Andre Mermoud & Sylvain Roy
87 Viscocanalostomy
Roberto Carassa
88 Complications
Juan Sampaolesi
89 Postoperative Management
Corinne Schnyder
90 Results
Daniel Grigera, Jorge Acosta & Virginia Zanutigh

Section 13 Management of Co-Existing Cataract and Glaucoma

91 Cataract Surgery in Patients with Functioning Blebs
Franz Grehn & Thomas Klink
92 One-site Combined Surgery / Two-site Combined Surgery
Yvonne Buys & Graham Trope
93 Combined Cataract and Glaucoma Drainage Implant Surgery
Vital Costa
94 Combined Cataract and Non-penetrating Glaucoma Surgery
Gema Rebolleda, Francisco J. Muñoz-Negrete, Javier Moreno-Montañes
95 Goniosynechialysis
Chaiwat Teekhasaenee

Section 14 Drainage Devices

96 Preoperative Evaluation
Jeff Freedman
97 Choice of Implant
Dale Heuer & Keith Barton
98 Surgical Technique 1 (Molteno)
Anthony Molteno, Andrew M Thompson, Tui H Bevin
99 Surgical Technique 2 (Baerveldt)
George Baerveldt
100 Surgical Technique 3 (Ahmed)
Peter Netland
101 Other Implants
Remo Susanna, Jr.
102 Intraoperative Complications
Ron Gross
103 Postoperative Complications
Yara Paula Martin Catoira-Boyle & Louis Cantor
104 Results
Oscar Albis
105 Aqueous Shunts After Retinal Surgery
Maria Papadopoulos & Keith Barton
106 Aqueous Shunts and Penetrating Keratoplasty
Don Minckler

Section 15 Surgery for Congenital Glaucoma

107 Goniotomy and Trabeculectomy
Maria Papadopoulos & Peng Khaw
108 Further Surgical Options in Children
Alana Grajewski & Mark Werner

Section 16 Modulation of Wound ealing

109 Indications
Richard Parrish & Arvind Neelakantan
110 Choice
Christophe Baudoin
111 Technique
Caroline Fisher, Amish Doshi & Kuldev Singh
112 Complications
Francisco Fantes & Herbert Fechter
113 Principles
Gregory Schultz & Sonal Tuli
114 Future Strategies
Peng Khaw

Section 17 Cyclodestructive rocedures

115 Techniques
Phil Bloom & Anil Negi
116 Complications
Malik Kahook & Joel Schuman
117 Endophotocoagulation
Stanley Berke

Section 18 New Procedures

109 New Procedures
Tarek Shaarawy & Mark Sherwood



ISBN-13: 9780702029769
Publisher: Elsevier (Saunders Ltd.)
Publication date: April, 2009
Pages: 1348
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Ophthalmology and Optometry
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