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Athletic Training Exam Review
A Student Guide to Success
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Main description:

With more than 17 years of guiding students, Athletic Training Exam Review: A Student Guide to Success emerges with a new Sixth Edition to lead the way in exam preparation.

Always evolving, the Sixth Edition includes a new chapter on evidence-based practice, 170 new clinical questions, and is updated to reflect all BOC changes. Combined with the ample supply of test questions, special tests assessment videos, and scenario-based testlets, athletic training students can approach exam day with confidence.

Athletic Training Exam Review: A Student Guide to Success, Sixth Edition provides detailed reasoning behind the correct answer that will assist students in highlighting their individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as features a variety of changes that reflect current trends in academic testing, patient evaluation, and critical thinking. Combining the experiences and knowledge of Lynn Van Ost, Dr. Karen Lew Feirman, and Karen Manfre, students can expect a comprehensive review tool to aid in the study portion of their athletic training education.

Inside the text you will find:
* Multiple choice questions-over 1,150 questions
* True/false questions-95 questions
* Applied decision making questions-over 25 realistic clinical scenario questions
* Skills assessment questions-over 25 questions about realistic tests and procedures
* Critical thinking questions-over 50 scenario-based problems

Faculty will welcome the addition of ancillary materials that include sample tests to be used in the classroom at

Online testing components include:
* Multiple choice questions-5 exams of 150 randomly selected questions from an online bank of 450 questions
* True/false questions-5 exams of 30 randomly selected questions from an online bank of 95 questions
* Video segments-13 special tests assessment videos that offer 3 questions to enhance the studying process
* Testlet questions-39 scenario-based questions of common or related items, progress through each scenario with 4 sets of multiple choice questions
* Identification questions-12 anatomically based questions incorporating a "drag and drop" feature to reinforce the learning process
* Applied decision making questions-3 tests (2 problems each) of clinical scenario examples-apply what you have learned to solve the situation
* Critical thinking questions-10 problem-based questions related to medical conditions-narrow down the answer choices to the correct diagnosis

With the new and updated Athletic Training Exam Review: A Student Guide to Success, students can feel more confident than ever utilizing the Sixth Edition for BOC exam preparation.



Preface by Karen ManfrE, LAT, Retired


Chapter 1 Study Techniques and Test-Taking Strategies

Chapter 2 General Information and the Examination Format

Chapter 3 Knowledge Assessment

Chapter 4 Applied Decision Making

Chapter 5 Skills Assessment

Chapter 6 Critical Thinking

Chapter 7 What to Do if You Do Not Pass the First Time

Appendix A Sample Study Calendar and Daily Log

Appendix B Answer Key: Knowledge Assessment

Appendix C Answer Key: Applied Decision Making

Appendix D Answer Key: Critical Thinking



ISBN-13: 9781630913649
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Publication date: April, 2017
Pages: None
Weight: 839g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Sports Medicine


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