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An Imperfect Offering
Humanitarian Action in the Twenty-first Century
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Main description:

In "An Imperfect Offering", he tells his own extraordinary story of being a doctor, but also discusses the nature of humanitarian action today and our responsibilities as citizens of the world. Born in Britain in 1960, James Orbinski's family moved to Canada when he was seven years old. As a young man, he became a medic to learn how to help, and deal with, the suffering of others. From then on he was plunged into many highly demanding situations, including being Head of Mission for Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) during the Rwandan genocide; engaging with the politics of humanitarian work as the President of MSF; being in New York when the towers fell on 9/11; co-founding Dignitas International (an AIDS charity); and finally, returning to Rwanda on the 10th anniversary of the crisis there.In "An Imperfect Offering", Orbinski not only tells his own inspiring story but is also remarkably provocative about what governments and agencies should and shouldn't be doing to help the world's poor and very sick. At the same time, he addresses what part each of us can play, so that we never lose sight of the dignity of those being helped, or deny them the right to act in their own lives.
His conclusion is blunt and profound: 'Humanity is lost or saved one person at a time, one intention at a time, and one action at a time. There are no utopias waiting to be born. There is only what we do - what you choose to do...'


ISBN-13: 9781846041013
Publisher: Rider & Co
Publication date: June, 2008
Pages: 448
Dimensions: 162.00 x 240.00 x 40.00
Weight: 713g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: General Practice


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