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Clinical Phonetics
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A comprehensive introduction to the art and science of clinical transcription. Clinical Phonetics was written with the belief that the clinical application of phonetics is a specialized branch of the field that requires a particular sensitivity to the challenge of transcribing speech disorders. The three primary strengths of the fourth edition of this text continue to be: authoritative coverage of the phonetics of American English, tested skills teaching in clinical transcription using four hours of audio examples (CDs sold separately), and the discussion of a wealth of clinically-relevant topics throughout the text and numerous appendices. Other notable features of the book are its broad coverage of phonetics, including an overview of the anatomy of speech production; phonetic symbols for consonants, vowels and diphthongs; diacritics for narrow transcription; representing suprasegmentals such as stress pattern; acoustic properties of speech; and dialect. This newly revised edition of Clinical Phonetics preserves the strengths of the earlier editions but offers significant improvements in content and style.


About the Authors What's New in This Edition Foreword Preface Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Notes to Instructors Contents of the Audio Samples Chapter 1 - Overview of Clinical Phonetics Chapter 2 - Linguistic Phonetics Chapter 3 - The Three Systems of Speech Production Chapter 4 - Vowels and Diphthongs Chapter 5 - Consonants Chapter 6 - Suprasegmentals and Narrow Transcription Chapter 7 - Clinical Scoring and Transcription Chapter 8 - Transcription Training Part A: Transcription of Vowel and Diphthong Sound Changes Part B: Transcription of Stop Sound Changes Part C: Transcription of Fricatives and Affricate Sound Changes Part D: Transcription of Glide and Liquid Sound Changes Part E: Transcription of Nasal Sound Changes Chapter 9 - Transcription And Scoring Practice Chapter 10 - Phonetic Variations Transcription Exercises Appendix A - Phonetics Symbols and Terms Appendix B - Distributional, Structural, and Proportional Occurrence Data for American English Sounds, Syllables, and Words Glossary Answers to Exercises References Index


ISBN-13: 9780137021062
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Publication date: March, 2012
Pages: 408
Dimensions: 211.00 x 275.00 x 13.00
Weight: 742g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Counselling & Therapy


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