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Stripped Bare
Swapping Credit for Compassion
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Main description:

"If anyone has the capability and personality to lift the lid on mental health, Sharon has. Stripped Bare does just that." - Jools Holland OBE "A wonderful and honest account of one woman's struggles with anxiety and depression showing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Optimistic and heart-warming." - Susie Pearl (Author of Instructions for Happiness and Success) "Sharon Bull has climbed bravely out of a painful abyss, and now shares her honest and vulnerable story with the world."Jill Robinson, CEO/Founder of Animals Asia Foundation Young, glamourous and hungry for success, Sharon Bull spent years working to achieve a high-flying career. She was desperate to achieve that "perfect" lifestyle we all see in the media, craving status, money and material possessions. And she had the determination and motivation to drive her forward. But what were her real reasons for craving such a fairy tale existence? Here Sharon tells the story of how her depression, anxiety and low self esteem eventually triggered a shopping addiction, which left her in crippling debt. In 2010 she lost everything and almost took her own life in the depths of her despair. But somehow, she found a way to claw herself back, transform her life, reconnect with nature and inspire others to find fulfilment beyond the superficial. Stripped Bare is an eye-opening, stigma busting, inspiring tale that shines a light on the toxic effects of consumerism within today's society. It's the story of how one woman swapped credit cards for compassion, and pressure for purpose.


ISBN-13: 9781912478545
Publisher: Trigger Press
Publication date: August, 2018
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Psychology


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