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Semiconducting Silicon Nanowires for Biomedical Applications
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Main description:

Biomedical applications have benefited greatly from the increasing interest and research into semiconducting silicon nanowires. Semiconducting Silicon Nanowires for Biomedical Applications reviews the fabrication, properties, and applications of this emerging material.

The book begins by reviewing the basics, as well as the growth, characterization, biocompatibility, and surface modification, of semiconducting silicon nanowires. It goes on to focus on silicon nanowires for tissue engineering and delivery applications, including cellular binding and internalization, orthopedic tissue scaffolds, mediated differentiation of stem cells, and silicon nanoneedles for drug delivery. Finally, it highlights the use of silicon nanowires for detection and sensing. These chapters explore the fabrication and use of semiconducting silicon nanowire arrays for high-throughput screening in the biosciences, neural cell pinning on surfaces, and probe-free platforms for biosensing.

Semiconducting Silicon Nanowires for Biomedical Applications is a comprehensive resource for biomaterials scientists who are focused on biosensors, drug delivery, and tissue engineering, and researchers and developers in industry and academia who are concerned with nanoscale biomaterials, in particular electronically-responsive biomaterials.


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Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials


Part I: Introduction to silicon nanowires for biomedical applications

1. Overview of semiconducting silicon nanowires for biomedical applications


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Origins of silicon nanowires

1.3 The structure of this book

1.4 Conclusion

1.5 References

2. Growth and characterization of semiconducting silicon nanowires for biomedical applications


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Synthesis methods for silicon nanowires (SiNWs)

2.3 Characterization methods

2.4 Synthesis of semiconductor SiNWs by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method

2.5 Conclusion

2.6 Future trends

2.7 Sources of further information and advice

2.8 References

3. Surface modification of semiconducting silicon nanowires for biosensing applications


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Methods for fabricating silicon nanowires (SiNWs)

3.3 Chemical activation/passivation of SiNWs

3.4 Modification of native oxide layer

3.5 Modification of hydrogen-terminated silicon nanowires (H-SiNW)

3.6 Site-specific immobilization strategy of biomolecules on SiNWs

3.7 Control of non-specific interactions

3.8 Conclusion


4. Biocompatibility of semiconducting silicon nanowires


4.1 Introduction

4.2 In vitro biocompatibility of silicon nanowires (SiNWs)

4.3 In vivo biocompatibility of SiNWs

4.4 Methodology issues

4.5 Future trends

4.6 Conclusion

4.7 References

Part II: Silicon nanowires for tissue engineering and delivery applications

5. Functional semiconducting silicon nanowires for cellular binding and internalization


5.1 Motivation: developing a nano-bio model system for rational design in nanomedicine

5.2 Methods: non-linear optical characterization and surface functionalization of silicon nanowires (SiNWs)

5.3 Applications: in vivo imaging and in vitro cellular interaction of functional SiNWs

5.4 Conclusions and future trends

5.5 References

6. Functional semiconducting silicon nanowires and their composites as orthopedic tissue scaffolds


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Nanowire surface etching processes to induce biomineralization

6.3 Nanowire surface functionalization strategies to induce biomineralization

6.4 Construction of silicon nanowire (SiNW)-polymer scaffolds: mimicking trabecular bone

6.5 The role of SiNW orientation in cellular attachment, proliferation and differentiation in the nanocomposite

6.6 Conclusions and future trends

6.7 Acknowledgement

6.8 References

7. Mediated differentiation of stem cells by engineered semiconducting silicon nanowires


7.1 Introduction

7.2 Methods for fabricating silicon nanowires (SiNWs)

7.3 Regulated differentiation for human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs)

7.4 SiNWs fabricated by the electroless metal deposition (EMD) method and their controllable spring constants

7.5 Mediated differentiation of stem cells by engineered SiNWs

7.6 Conclusion

7.7 Future trends

7.8 Acknowledgements

7.9 References

8. Silicon nanoneedles for drug delivery


8.1 Introduction

8.2 Strategies for nanoneedle fabrication

8.3 Drug loading of nanoneedles and release patterns

8.4 Drug delivery using nanoneedles

8.5 Toxicity of nanoneedles

8.6 Overview of nanoneedle applications

8.7 Conclusion

8.8 References

Part III: Silicon nanowires for detection and sensing

9. Semiconducting silicon nanowire array fabrication for high throughput screening in the biosciences


9.1 Introduction

9.2 Fabrication of silicon nanowire (SiNW) field effect transistor (FET) arrays for high throughput screening (HTS) in the biosciences

9.3 Surface modification of SiNW FETs for HTS in the biosciences

9.4 Integration of SiNW FETs with microfluidic devices for HTS in real-time measurements

9.5 Examples/applications of SiNW FETs

9.6 Conclusion

9.7 Future trends

9.8 References

10. Neural cell pinning on surfaces by semiconducting silicon nanowire arrays


10.1 Introduction

10.2 Toward control of neuronal topography and axo-dendritic polarity

10.3 Neuron networks on top of silicon nanowires (SiNWs)

10.4 Future trends

10.5 Conclusion

10.6 References

10.7 Appendix: experimental section

11. Semiconducting silicon nanowires and nanowire composites for biosensing and therapy


11.1 Introduction

11.2 Fabrication of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and two-dimensional SiNW architectures

11.3 SiNWs for biosensing applications

11.4 Fabrication of SiNW-polymer composite systems

11.5 Biomedical applications of SiNW-polymer composites

11.6 Conclusions and future trends

11.7 References

12. Probe-free semiconducting silicon nanowire platforms for biosensing


12.1 Introduction

12.2 Silicon nanowire (SiNW) biosensors

12.3 Probe layers

12.4 Integrated sample delivery

12.5 Electrical biasing and signal measurement

12.6 Examples/applications of SiNW biosensor platforms

12.7 Conclusions

12.8 Future trends

12.9 References



ISBN-13: 9780081015186
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd
Publication date: October, 2018
Pages: 296
Weight: 652g
Availability: Not available (reason unspecified)
Subcategories: Biomedical Engineering
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